….I have also won ebay auctions for a calico critter version of Akira and a Heiji (used, CHEAP), and have sourced where I can get a Hakuba and a Kaito in the same set. From Australia (new). 

I also found a person that makes custom outfits for them… so I can get all of the Space AU gear commissioned. T~T This is going to be a long-term project.

All that’s left is to find me a Shinichi, and I THINK I can pick him up at most retailers here, so in the next few weeks, I will just go to Toys R Us or Target and pick up a set. Hopscotch bunnies + a lot of black acrylic paint GO. 

I would not be surprised if I end up making baby versions of everyone, too. >_>;;;; ugh my life. Aaron says it’s perfectly fine to like to collect toys but man I feel silly. But I guess I don’t have kids to buy toys for….