Giant Military Masterpost for Writers



This is a HUGE file that I’ve been working on for a while and will continue to – feel free to ask for clarification on confusing or missing stuff, so I can explain better!.  Check it out under the cut!

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A very nice, extensive, resource here for those of you wanting an insight into the modern US military and it’s culture.


Trying to come up with a design for the mechanic that I like… and combines the input from other mechanic aficionados. 

“Do I love bein’ captain of my own ship? Hell yeah.’Course I do! An’ I’ve earned it, too. But it’d be stupid ta think that I did it all on my own. There’s no ship without a crew, an’ I’ve got the best crew there is, even if he is just a lazy rabbit.

“Bein’ a bounty hunter wasn’t what I’d planned for my future, but ya know what? I dare ya to find anyone as content.”

– The Captain

“Don’t get me wrong, I love being in the black. I belong in the sky. The only problem is that it’s always cold. So I gotta bundle up. And when I bundle up, I get sleepy. That’s what we rabbits do. It gets cold, we burrow and sleep. So I’ll be watchin’ the console and suddenly Cap’n’s shaking me awake. It’s not like I wanna fall asleep on the job. It’s just too damned cold to stay awake.

“At least there are plenty of hammocks hung up for me to nap in wherever I happen to be when the yawning starts…”

– The Pilot

“I don’t know what’s worse about having male crewmates… the smell or the severe lack of unprocessed, pre-packaged food. It’s sad, really. They don’t even have any ice cream on board. How do they survive out there in the black without any creature comforts beside instant ramen and beer? Or better yet, how are they still alive with such disgusting dietary habits? 

“Priority one at the next port we come to will be restocking (or stocking at all, as the case may be) the pantries. We’ll have good food to eat even if I have to cook it all myself. A crew can’t be expected to work their hardest if they’re not properly fed, after all.”

– The Ambassador 

I foresee myself drawing a lot of bunnies in the near future.

Oh wait, the rest of the scale weapons came in. I think I’m going to need to get my bounty hunters another trunk.

…And tons of tiny beer cans.


My “baby Heiji” got here in the mail yesterday and he’s STILL TOO BIG. The original child bear is on the left, with new “baby” in the middle, and an actual Calico Critters baby on the right. 

I know that he’s a giant for a Japanese teenager, but he was smol as a child so we’re trying again… 


One of these will become… BABY HEIJIKINS. 

Sort of remembering how this works… though I may need to update Bunnichi’s design again. I kind of want more black on him. A little more bunnicula-style.

Bed time for now, though. Hopefully I can sleep.