Mom says she’ll give me all of her acrylic paint since she’s getting rid of her extra office/craft supplies. AHHH. <3 


well, bear, you see… I probably shouldn’t be doing fanart or something… especially not this late at night… 

I’m kind of a huge loser and I feel bad but hey I made the tutorial so it’s online now, I get to go back to lurking

I was asked to do a tutorial on how I draw Hakuba’s hair. Not a lot is explained, but I hope that it helps anyway!

There was a study done a while ago about kids who drew the same things over and over and over again – dragons, cars, dogs, etc – usually the same pose, creature, expression, etc… and linked it to emotional issues. Something about drawing the same thing helped. It was cathartic. Some semblance of control. Safe. Familiar. An anchor. 

I don’t know if that’s what this is, but I sure draw a LOT of sad little Conans just like this.