
((What? I like brown eyes.))


AND I am getting back into drawing, too. I was just hiding for a little while. And writing a LOT. 

But I’m not dead. And I will work really hard on getting an awesome queue set up so that you guys aren’t left without art. 

Oh yeah here’s a Hakuba I drew. It’s embarrassing because he’s not wearing a shirt and idk I don’t know about it anymore but here it is anyway


I WILL try to reformat my computer so it doesn’t die when I’m in photoshop anymore. That is really one of the biggest reasons why I haven’t been posting. STILL doing comics, even, just not scanning or adding text. 

That said, tomorrow is Aaron’s and my 7 year wedding anniversary that is neat right? totes!

btw okay

you guys should probably know that I haven’t been tumblring because I’ve been irresponsibly RPing like crazycakes over at my two rp blogs, whiteknighthakuba and askconan – oops. I will make vague attempts to get back to using my personal soon since I’m supposed to be posting art every day and whateva which means I will reblog things inadvertently, too… is just too much fun to pretend to be Hakuba and Conan idk sorry 😀

Finally watched the two new eva thingies… omfg uhm


I loved most of the changes

huff huff

couple of them I am still wtf over but maybe I need to rewatch them

ahh eva feels

oh so many eva feels


HAPPY (really late) BIRTHDAY! <3

sorry it too so long ^^;

I hope you had a great birthday!~



GOODNESS <33333  I am going to keep you and cuddle you FOREVER. THANK YOU <3333333333

*dying of cute*

*dying of cute forever*