Tagged by @popcornfrommars ! Hey thanks!

Rules: answer twenty questions about yourself and tag twenty people. If you don’t want to do it, feel free not to. Skip any questions that you don’t want to answer/feel uncomfortable with.

1) Favorite color: I don’t even know. I am so bad at answering this question. Mediterranean blue? Crimson red? Sage green? Emerald? IDK MAYBE I JUST REALLY LIKE NINJA TuRTLES

2) Favorite songs: Kiss From a Rose (Seal), Kiss Me (Sixpence), Tigerlily (La Roux), Dream a Little Dream (The Mamas & the Papas), The Lion’s Roar (First Aid Kit), etc etc etc 

3) Favorite bands: The Beatles, Muse, Linkin Park, Fallout Boy, Depeche Mode, My Chemical Romance, Mamo, Sheppard

4) Country where I live: USA

5) Gender: Female (though I tend to write in gender neutral unless I’m going for a specific character/voice by default, whatever that means)

6) Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw. Hey, I took the official test and that’s where they put me.

7) Zodiac sign: Virgo.

8) Birthday: August 28th.

9) Cities I want to visit: Anaheim (because Disneyland), plus all of the other cities with Disney parks, uhh… San Diego, Big Sur.. national… park… city, Tokyo, LONDON (again), Paris (wait I think there’s a Disneyland there!), (oh wait there’s one in Tokyo, too), I’d love to go back to Texas and all ‘round those parts again, and out in Raleigh, plus New York City… and somewhere in Canada… and I need to go back to Seattle soon…  IDK I love traveling but there are so few places that it’s kind of like “THE WHOLE WORLD” is where I want to visit!

10) Favorite place I’ve been to: This is hard. On the one hand, Disneyland. On the other hand: FFFFFFRIGGIN ENGLAND. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHH. It was so amazing!

11) Currently studying/working in: Commercial Real Estate, of all things! Doing graphic design. It’s so much fun!

12) Current lockscreen/wallpaper: I have Gengar on my phone and some naturey wallpaper that changes on my laptop.

13) What made you choose your url: ‘Gab’ is taken everywhere, but ‘gabapple’ isn’t. It comes from “Gab app/web/wiz” from my days as a mod on a Pokemon roleplaying MUSH.

14)  Are there people from this site you would like to meet: Yeah!!! That would be awesome, and one of the best parts about going to conventions. I love meeting fans and making new friends!!! 

15)  Will you talk to classmate in public? When I see my coworkers out in the wild, I always kind of panic, but they’re all so great. I love talking to them!

16) Last book you read: Hmmm… Stephen King’s The Bazaar of Bad Dreams, which is a collection of short stories. I’m currently reading Hook’s Revenge by Heidi Schulz, which is awesome! 

17) Favorite tv show: That’s hard. I never watch TV live, just binge watch on netflix/dvd/whatever. Right now, we’re rewatching Pokemon, so I’m digging that a lot. I loved Stranger Things, and watched Lady Dynamite recently, which was also great… Scream Queens was fantastic, as was American Horror Story, and I love The Worst Cooks in America… IDK… Super 4? 

18) What do you want to be when you grow up: A published author/illustrator who does book tours! And also works as a graphic designer at a commercial real estate firm, because I don’t expect to become the next JK Rowling… 

19)  Favorite online shopping site: Amazon. PRIME SHIPPING YAH

20) Books or movies: JurASSIC PARK. TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES. Black Beauty. Ender’s Game. 101 Dalmatians. You don’t even know if I’m talking about books or movies! !! It could be both!!! 

Oh wait are they asking me to choose between them? Because I don’t think that’s a fair question. I like it best when they’re companions. Movies are my favorite, but a book does a lot of things that a movie cannot, and movies do a lot of things that a book cannot… as evidenced by my above answer there. 

When you have a successful book and movie, you get the best of both worlds. It doesn’t matter if the movie is an exact replica of the book so long as it captures the spirit of the story; so long as it’s faithful to the heart of what really matters. If a story is really timeless, it can endure in different languages and retellings, adapting and morphing, bending, folding, changing here and there and still be in tact in essence. So it’s okay if the movie is different, as long as the director/script writer/etc understand said essence. 

Then you can get that same feeling while getting multiple interpretations of the story, and better understand it, taking it in even more deeply…! 


Anyway what was I saying?  Oh right.  

I TAG: @trypchangeling @anyahatesbunnies  and anyone else who wants to do this because I’m pretty sure that most of my friends have already been tagged maybe???