
  • Rule 1: Always post the rules.
  • Rule 2: Answer the questions the person that tagged you has written and write 11 new ones.
  • Rule 3: Tag 11 new people and link them to your post.
  • Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them.

1. What was your first pet like? If you never had a pet, what pet would you like to have?

Hmm… I think I had a goldfish before we got our dog, Charlie. 

2. What is the best kind of chocolate?

Ehhhh… … … hot chocolate? Low fat chocolate milk? I’m allergic to it, so it’s gotta be more something else than chocolate. I do like chocolate when it’s with, like, peanut butter or caramel, but even then… 

3. Do you know any Japanese, and if so what was the first word you learned?

I took two years of it in high school and barely remember any of it… my first word was probably ‘arigato,’ I think. 

4. Pick a pokemon type.


5. Pick an Eeveelution.


6. If you were a cat, what kind of cat would you be?

Maine coon, probably. 

7. Who is your favorite pony?

Spike Apple Jack.

8. Which is better, Star Trek or Star Wars?

Hmmm… I love Han Solo, but Captain Picard is… amazing…

9. What’s your favorite Australian animal?


10. Who is the best captain in Starfleet?

Picard 😀

11. What’s your favorite shade of orange?

Very orangey-orange. Maybe a touch more red than yellow, but bright and vibrant and easy to put black or white text on it… a really halloweeny orange. 

Tags: noooo