Tagged by @skyedream75 (thanks, btw!)

Name – Melissa, but call me Gab. It’s shorter.

Date and Location – November 25th in Salt Lake City, Utah

Sexual Orientation – Demi (and firmly attached to a v wonderful guy)

Place that makes me happy – SIMPLY SUSHI… AND MOVIE THEATERS. Also Barnes & Noble as long as I have starbucks and money. Okay p much I love going to movies and out for dinner and I like some shopping as long as it’s fun browsing in a quiet place.

Favourite movie – It’s a tie between Jurassic Park and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The Lion King and Moulin Rouge are also up there. 

Wearing – Some kind of… green shirt blouse thing for work and jeans because I am not at work anymore. Also my reading glasses because I stupidly got a laptop with high res display even though I’m very far-sighted. 

Last book you read – The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie. Not even sure why I read it, but I did. Before that it was Shiver

Tag ten people you want to get to know better!

@cloverkite, @mamodewberry, @artsyfartsywhatnot, @trypchangeling, @anyahatesbunnies, @pixel-spooky, @askashapeshifter, @lemurcat, @popcornfrommars, @podunkmouse + anyone else who wants to!