for ask meme: 2, 80, 72

2) Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?

Sort of. Probably. Though it was more of a SQUISH than a crush. Like “holy crap this person is amazing and the best and I just want to BE THEIR FRIEND FOREVER” thing. I have never wanted to, like, KISS a teacher or anything like that. 

80) Are there any causes you strongly believe in?

Yeah? Yeah… but I haven’t been terribly good at being actively involved in anything. I donate to charities… and I try to recycle a lot… and not waste stuff… I guess I have more actual Opinions than doing anything useful. 😐 

Hopefully I can change that some day. Just have to figure out a way to contribute that is really helpful. Probably donating lots of money some day to something. LIKE HOMELESS PETS. And adopting moRE ANIMALS.  Or writing a book about an issue (like cancer!) and donating the proceeds to fund research! Spreading awareness?

72) Have you ever been in a physical fight?

No. Well, sort of no. I’ve slapped someone before (but they definitely deserved it), and I HAVE BEEN HURT BEFORE like a “friend” PUNCHED ME IN THE FACE ONCE and there were other times where I’ve been bullied and pushed around… but I am just not a fighter type. I am a pacifist.