




I hate this. Things like this scare the shit out of me.
Yes a parent should be protective. No they should not STALK their child.
Yes a parent can get upset at a child. No they should not flip out or let their anger make them out of control, or take out their anger on their child.
Yes a parent can lecture and maybe the kid feels like their parent is driving them crazy – but after the last two statements forgive me if I don’t exactly trust these definitions.
A parent should never be their child’s worst nightmare. A pain sometimes, ok, but not a nightmare.
And the idea of a parent “stalking” and “hunting down” their child is horrifying. If you were a good parent, maybe your child would have communicated whereabouts upfront with you already.
And the last statement is the worst. “I will subject you to terror and treat you like my property…. Because I love you!” No one would ever put up with this from a partner, a friend, even a grandparent…. Why is it suddenly okay from a parent?

Fuck toxic parenting.

That graphic is basically acting like emotional and psychological abuse is okay as long as it’s framed as “it’s because I love you.” Which is basically part of the abuse cycle.

parents can easily be some of the most frightening kinds of human beings alive and some of them take the deepest pride in being their kids’ worst nightmare…

The ninth level of hell with Dr. Laura.

I can’t believe it literally says that parents can’t be friends with their kids.That’s literally the most important thing for a healthy relationship.