
some things i, a twenty-something, am still learning and hope y’all teenagers can learn way faster than me:

nobody gets to dictate to you what you like and why

other people’s opinions are theirs, not gospel that you should accept no matter how loud they are

being critical of something doesn’t mean you can’t love it, and loving something doesn’t mean you can’t criticize it

make your own judgement calls and decisions, based on your own set of criteria. be courteous and respectful, but not a doormat, not a wibbly wimp whose decisions and interests change with whatever everyone else says

two people can disagree and still have the highest respect for each other

you are allowed to cut people out of your life if their opinions and beliefs are harmful to you

you are allowed to be angry and sad and feel negative emotions. you’re allowed. they’re normal and you aren’t broken or rebellious or ungrateful for feeling those things

you can’t control your emotions, but you CAN control your behavior, and how you behave informs people around you how to treat you

no person, no movie, no tv show, no book, no ANYTHING is perfect. don’t let the imperfections spoil the experience for you if you enjoy the thing. be mindful, be critical, walk away if you have to, but expecting perfection and getting violently upset when it lets you down is unhealthy and you’ll spend your entire life miserable

self-care and recovery go hand in hand. recovery isn’t easy. recovery isn’t pretty. recovery is necessary and tiring and so, so worth it

you set your own pace. compare yourself only with your former self, not with anyone else, because you don’t know other people’s limitations and privileges as well as you know your own and comparison is worthless

loving yourself is an everyday journey, not a destination