Sorry for the silence, been very busy.

Doctor appointment went well. He’s extremely loud but friendly and seems to know what he’s doing. I like him. Lab tests for blood work all came back GREAT (yes, even glucose and cholesterol, those of you fatphobic jerks), except for vitamin d, which I am apparently VERY deficient in. Added a med for the tension/cluster headaches that also acts as a mood stabilizer. Will be changing my primary anti-depressant med in a month after my recheck, too. 

He’s referred me to a vein specialist, too, because he wants there to be thorough testing for the edema, since he suspects it’s a venous disease, not lymphedema. They’re treated the same way, basically, but needs to be tested and evaluated by an expert, who I’d need to see anyway for said treatment.

It was encouraging, though. He said that my inability to lose weight isn’t because of failure to diet or exercise (though he said I should keep that up of course), but because there’s something else going on. Thank god. 

He said, “Thyroid cancer, PCOS, anti-depressants that are known for causing weight gain… GEE. Clearly there’s something more here at work!” with this big grin like of COURSE it wasn’t my fault and he didn’t think I was just lazy and a pig. 

I could have cried. 

He also said that clearly I was a person who wasn’t just going to accept my health the way it was. I wanted to hug him.

I don’t ever expect to be a super model. I don’t think I’ll ever be thin. And that’s okay. I want to be able to go camping. I want to be able to go on little hikes in the summer and keep up. I want to run really slowly in a community marathon for charity and not die. I want to be able to go to Disneyland and not have to worry if I will be able to fit in the rides or not. 


Anyway I think that’s pretty much it. I can’t wait for the LONG weekend. The new med has ‘may cause drowsiness’ on the bottle and bOY it is not kidding. I am going to sleep and do very little else.