28) What makes you feel the happiest?
UHMM… I get the most personal fulfilment/joy by being productive, specifically producing creative works. But happiness… idk, I really love chatting with my friends. When we can both be enjoying something and we know we’re being stupid and silly and laughing too much and geeking out… I just love that!
96) 3 physical features you get complimented on a lot?
Hm… my smile (I smile a lot even when I don’t want to), my rosy cheeks (which I hate), and my hair (when I actually feel like putting effort into it). I’m so awkward when it comes to physical things, though, so I’ll say my voice! I remember when I was working tech support, I had customers beg me to do their voicemail and system recordings for them (and a few jobs of mine actually did have me do the phone tree recording stuff). One even told me that I was wasting my time doing tech support and needed to be doing something with my voice! So flattering!
100) What are some words that you live by? Why?
“The way to get started is to stop talking and begin doing.” is my favorite Walt Disney quote. I think about it every day. ‘Cause it’s true, you can talk all you want, and research, and plan, and have the greatest intentions, but your dreams will never come true unless you put in the hard work and actually, you know, DO THE THING YOU WANT TO DO.

Also, Tiana is the best ever and I love her to bits and pieces just fyi.