






posting this everywhere bc it feels important

[a lot of survivors have to fight to NOT have empathy for their abusers bc we have been manipulated into having tht emptahy in order for the abuse to continue, therefore being outraged and angry and lacking empathy for abusers is a radical and healing act for many of us]

This is so important I’m so sick of being told I have to be the better person. I am the better person by default, I demand the right to be and behave like I’m in pain.

“I am the better person by default,“

Yes.  This.

If someone abuses and brutalizes you, that’s, uhh, not even remotely the same as being angry with them and wishing they would fall off a cliff.

So fucking true in my own personal experience.

This is so important.

For everyone who tells me I should have a relationship with those people in my life because “everyone deserves a second chance” lol