Convention Updates!

I won’t be at Confuzzled this year (sobbing), BUT Furcon 2015 is a go! Yes, I will have a table! Yes, I will see if I can do a panel or two! It’s in San jose, California in January. Plan early so you can be there! 🙂

As this is, currently, the only other con that I am signed up for… I will be spending the next several months revamping everything. What does this mean? 

  • a ton of new art
  • fun new products (which I will be experimenting with using redbubble and the like)
  • consistent comic updates
  • the actual printing of Dangerous Cute book #1 AND short graphic novel
  • better, faster, stronger clingy and card badges, as well as other commissions
  • and more?!

Incidentally, I had a dream last night that I showed up to FC only to realize that I had forgotten all of my supplies. Uhm. Let’s hope this won’t happen.