Hi! My question is how do you get into the online entertainment field? It doesn’t have to be directly producing content I just want to be involved in the process of it all.


You need to be passionate; but above all else, you need to be a team player. Always support your peers and learn from any critiques they give you. Be a genuine friend – don’t suck up to someone because you think their friendship with give you status. 

Always be aware of public relations and public perception. 

If you want to be involved in the management side, reach out to others and show them what you can offer. You really need to care about the people you’re managing and you need to take it seriously. These people are putting their art in your hands. You also have to be likable and put the contributors at ease that they made the right decision in allowing you to manage their work. 

If you want to be a content creator, come up with a concept that you can devoted to as well as proud. Develop your content not with the intention of instantly hosting it on any site; but use it to build your own portfolio. Ask for feedback and listen. Once you feel like you’ve built a body of work that you’re comfortable with, begin to submit it around. Don’t be discouraged if you’re rejected or given a list of things that need to be tweaked. Take the critique, continue to work, then reapply when you feel ready. You need to have a thick skin and not take things personally. You also can’t give up due to a failure. Everything worth doing takes work and persistence.