The Detective Conan Fandom is a bunch of starving know-it-alls


Ahoy there Tumblr. I’m here to tell ye-of-many-fandoms that there is one fandom out there that loses more lovable characters than the Whovians and made to wait much longer for answers than the Sherlockians. Those (poor, poor) people are the Detective Conan fans.

Quick re-cap: DC (or Case Closed as the horrid english dub calls it) is a weekly manga/anime that began in 1994. It’s a mystery series, a 17 year old high school detective Kudo Shinichi comes across this evil organization who feeds him a death pill which instead turns him into a 7 year old. He now lives with his girl best friend/secret love solving whatever crimes he comes across and trying to uncover the Black Org and get his old body and life back. Great huh? Yeah, this has been going on for 21 years and poor Edogawa Conan (Shinichi’s new ID) is no closer to being normal again. We fans, know NOTHING. My math friend did some calculations and about 85% of the 861 chapters is filler, the rest is tiny scraps of plot that are thrown to us every now and again.

It’s not all that bad, the filler stories are pretty good mysteries and I enjoy reading them weekly, but because we DCfans are so starved for plot points when we get some, we flip a shit. My first major plot development I got to follow since I started DC was last years Mystery Train arc. Oh shit, so much information. I screamed and panicked and rolled on the floor and called all my DC friends and we screamed and yelled and whooped about HOW WE WERE FUCKING RIGHT! Cause that’s what it all comes down to. Every fan has their own theories on what the Black Org are up to, who knows whose secrets and why and whatever the hell KID is up to. It’s why DC has some of the best fanfictions out there because each is so well thought out and yet completely different from anyone else’s theories (mine are obviously correct)

Now I think we may be on the verge of another huge secret drop. A character who died like 7 years ago (only like a few months in the story) is believed not only to be alive but secretly hanging around with the main group. Holy fuck! Confirmation of theories is a DC fans greatest dream and I swear if Suburu is not Akai in disguise I’m going to pound my head through the wall. He has to be, he just has to be.

So for you fangirls/boys out there, the Detective Conan universe is a wonderful and fantastic story with complex characters, grisly murders and a deep complicated mystery. But enter at your own risk because it does not end, there is no satisfaction at the end of each week but only more questions and if perchance one of those questions is answered by the author, then you will lose your mind and thumb your nose at other fans. It’s a fandom that makes you think and hurt while you do so. I’ll leave you with that as I continually check to see if the new issue is out. I NEED ANSWERS! Sadly, I don’t think I’ll get, not for a long, long time at least.

It hurts because it’s true. But we cannot turn away… not for long.