
Rule 1. Always post the rules 
Rule 2. Answer the questions the person who tagged you has written and write 11 new ones

Rule 3. Tag 11 people and link them to your post
Rule 4. Let them know you’ve tagged them

Original Questions ((I wasn’t supposed to answer these but I did anyway, oops.)

1. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yes! Well, he’s also my hubby, but yeah. 😀 Cumulative. 

2. what o you want to do in your future? I think my dream job would be to… be a published author/illustrator and go on book tours and read books to kids at libraries and stuff. That would be amazing!

3. what is your favourite movie? Hmmm… probably the first Ninja Turtles movie, Jurassic Park, or the original Shall We Dance? 

4. who is your favourite singer/band: The Beatles… Muse… I also really like My Chemical Romance, Linkin Park, Glenn Miller, Tchaikovsky… 

5. do you have any brothers or sisters? Three brothers, no sisters.

6. what kind of phone do you have? Samsung Galaxy S (it’s amazing)

7. do you like K-Pop? Yeah!

8. which country are you from? United States

9. what is your favourite food? Japanese curry rice!!!!! 

10. what’s your favourite tv-show/drama? OMG uhmm… Detective Conan or Veronica Mars or Unsolved Mysteries… or Gravity Falls… or maybe the new TMNT show… or uhm… omg so many good ones!

11. do you want to get married someday soon? Already done. <3 Been married for 6 years now!

Morpho’s questions:

1. Which culture do you find to be the most interesting? …probs Japanese because I’m a total fangirl. Sob. Though I am always curious as to what my Brit friends are up to. I’m a quarter Canadian and my family’s always been like ‘lol yay Britishisms!’ so I am really excited to go to the UK this summer… 

2. Favorite shops: Oh man. I love going to Barnes & Noble to look at the books, and Joanne’s, Hobby Lobby, and Michael’s to browse the art supplies… I think my favorite store, though, is TARGET because that’s where the ponies are. 

3. What sport would you take up if you had enough time/money/etc? Does ballroom dance count? If not, maybe soccer. It looks cool. Or, wait, I was better at basketball… 

4. Are you a practical person? LOL Sometimes. 

5. Favorite form (circle, triangle etc.) CIRCLE

6. Do you have a favorite toy? If yes, what is it? My little TMNT toddler turtles are up there, but my favorite favorite is probably the stuffed panda bear that I got when I was 5 years old. 

7. What helps you when you’re sad? Reassurance and validation! Tell me I’m awesome plz. 

8. Are you sarcastic? Nooooo. 😉

9. What language would you like to learn? Japanese. Then Spanish. And then french.

10. Other sites you visit daily: Besides tumblr? Deviant Art, Fur Affinity, Twitter, gmail, google, wikipedia.

11. What music are you listening to right now / what song is stuck in your head? I could have dance’d all night, I could have daaaanced all night, and still have begged for more~

My questions (the ones you tagged people must answer):

1. Why would YOU make a great class president?

2. What is (one of) your most favorite song(s), and why?

3. Favorite breed of dog: 

4. A career that you do NOT ever want to have, no matter how much it paid:

5. Tiramisu or Tiramisu cheesecake? 

6. If your life was a musical, what part would you play?

7. You’re in trapped in a building when it collapses and are stuck in a pocket of rubble. Who would you want to be stuck with while waiting for help?

8. It’s fish for dinner! What kind of fish do you like?

9. Carrots: cooked or raw?

10. What is your favorite pokemon?

11. Have you ever climbed a tree? 


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