Fiiiiiiiive golden RIIiiiIIIiiiiings~

Five shiny things I like:

1) MY WEDDING RING <3 It’s white gold with a round diamond solitaire as the center piece, a sapphire marquise on either side, and two smaller round diamonds on either side, making it look a bit like a crystal gem-stone rose. 

2) I have a silver compass that my littler brother got me from Disneyland forever ago that I wear on a silver chain. Socute.

3) Not exactly.. “shiny” but my little TMNT toddler figures are among some of my favoritestst possessions ever. 

4) I was given a silver locket on my 8th birthday from my parents… I have it tucked away in a jewelry box, but I like to take it out once in a while and remember.

5) I have… a collection of tiger eyes. Like, fifty or so, most small, some large. I keep one on my person at all times. They have the most gorgeous inner shine. <3