

this is my entry for Bryke Day, which I guess is officially September 1st (according to a post I saw).  anyway, i realize today is not September 1st, but i wanted to post this regardless.  i’m really thankful for Avatar not only because it was—and remains—entertaining, but also because it’s inspired me and motivated me to hone my skills in both drawing and storytelling.

haha so this’ll probably get six notes and bryke (or the rest of the amazing team) will never see it, but whatever.  it was fun to make and good practice for comic-style narrations, which i don’t do as often as i’d like. 

Wow, this is such a cute and inspiring story. Especially the end. I hope they see it!

I love this!  It’s so cool to hear stories of people who were inspired by the show to follow their dreams.  And I love that she’s going to RISD! 

Ah yes. Look at that. Fan art can be good. I figure that if it gets someone to be creative, to produce something, it’s good. Hurray for fan art! You go girl! 😀