psa for the yoi fandom: russian names & how to use them


I’m going to start by swearing this isn’t me just complaining but a general resource for the Yuri on Ice fandom because I’ve noticed some mistakes in the naming conventions used among the fandom and want to help correct them. Especially in how the fandom treats diminutives. I absolutely love seeing the huge amount of interest in Russian diminutives, etc. in fanart and fics and hopefully this breakdown will help continue that trend and interest and even spur some more ideas in fandom content.

So let’s go through some important details below the cut!

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More Sponsorship AU… a wip? Viktor and Chris. Who is shirtless for some reason. I bet ‘Baby’ Nikiforov got hurt– AGAIN.

Chapter 11 of Never Look Away is now up!

Never Look Away: The Almost-Canon-But-Not-Quite AU

Everything Viktor knows and loves is tangled up in the world of competitive skating- a world that, for him, is quickly coming to an end. Standing at the precipice of the inevitable, he must decide how his tale unfolds: should he retire into quiet obscurity? Allow himself to be eaten alive by the younger, more vicious competition?

…Or risk it all on a struggling, but passionate, skater halfway across the world, who may prove to be the inspiration, life, and love that Viktor’s been missing all this time?

AKA: the YOI companion novel with 100% more Viktor backstory and perspective. Yes, you’re welcome.