“This sentence has five words. Here are five more words. Five-word sentences are fine. But several together become monotonous. Listen to what is happening. The writing is getting boring. The sound of it drones. It’s like a stuck record. The ear demands some variety. Now listen. I vary the sentence length, and I create music. Music. The writing sings. It has a pleasant rhythm, a lilt, a harmony. I use short sentences. And I use sentences of medium length. And sometimes, when I am certain the reader is rested, I will engage him with a sentence of considerable length, a sentence that burns with energy and builds with all the impetus of a crescendo, the roll of the drums, the crash of the cymbals—sounds that say listen to this, it is important.” – Gary Provost
For nearly two months, Viktor had avoided Yakov. As much as a student
could avoid their coach, anyway. It was surprising how Vitya had held
out this long, considering other instances the teen had been upset at
him. But then again, Yakov’s previous offenses hadn’t been so severe.
1. This 2009 article by Johnny Weir on the finances of skating. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD please read this. Skating is not a pile of endless sponsors looking to fling money at you. Notice that Weir says his primary source of income is ice shows. Notice that Weir talks about worrying about paying his electric bill. http://www.lifeskate.com/skate/2009/01/johnny-weir-nationals-press-conference-3.html
2. Victor NIkiforov canonically runs ice shows. He doesn’t just participate in them. He runs them. Remember, “Victor Nikiforov presents Onsen on Ice”? Remember “Victor and Friends” from Yuri!!! on Stage? Victor is at the stage of the game where he runs his own ice shows. That means he doesn’t just get a single paycheck for participating. He gets a cut of the total profit.
TL;DR do not let his heart-shaped smile, his forgetfulness, and his general extraness fool you. This is the Victor who complains about the Euro being too strong. Victor has not survived as undisputed champion of one of the most expensive sports in the world without learning how to maximize his income.
You can pry this headcanon from my cold, dead fingers: Victor Nikiforov is a financial genius.
(The original version of this was an incredibly long screaming thing that reached point 17 and was not yet done. As I am…vaguely aware…that 17 point screaming posts about Victor Nikiforov are Probably Not Of General Interest, I restrained myself. I’m sorry, I just really love him.)
Frankly I would love a 17 point screaming post about Victor Nikiforov… I would like several… but this is good too. I’m so, SO glad I’m not the only one who has this headcanon because it’s A+++
– “you arent mad at me right? Oh my god you are! IM SORRY”
– “is this for me? Can I use this? Can I drink this? Can I-”
– “pls help me make this decision for me”
– “do what you please!!!” “What if that makes everyone mad at me”
-studying people intensely because you are afraid you might do something that will make them mad
– Saying something in a tone louder than usual and feeling like this is your last day alive
– low self stem
– feeling mentally and emotionally exhausted after expressing any sort of feeling and crying right after that
– when someone talks or does something in an attitude thats not usual from them and Knowing That It’s Your Fault
– “i dont deserve this why are you doing this for me”
– not knowing the difference between a joke, sarcasm, and passive aggressive speech
– unhealthily clinging to anyone who’s remotely nice to you
– not knowing what to say NEVER
– not knowing how to react to compliments, nice words, genuine care or anything like that and feeling incredibly sick at the thought of someone genuinely loving you
– Crying.
– having to explain every single movement and word you do and say to literally anyone
– being really good at lying and pretending as a survival strategy
– Not living, surviving.
– calculating and overthinking everything you do and say, the time you say it, how you say it, the expression you have when you say it, your voice tone…everything
– getting panic attacks over the tiniest things
– unhealthily clinging to fictional characters and shows
– lack of energy to do anything because you use a lot of effort in every single movement you do
– “im useless”
– when someone compliments you on something and you needing to be Perfect at it because then you dont have any reason to live
– intrusive thoughts
– Perfectionism
– Over sensitiveness
– “It’s my fault.”
– not knowing how to react to criticism
– Isolation
– getting startled when someone touches you
– being hyperaware of your surroundings and at the same time having no time and space perception
– believing everything everyone says
– Feeling like any day is your last day
I love seeing dads portrayed as literally anything else other than a useless dumbass like on commercials. Dads are fucking awesome, get with it america.