I’ve seen a lot of posts recently reminding readers to leave feedback on fics, which is great!! Writers deserve all the love they can get. Likes, reblogs, comments, messages, these are the lifeblood of writers. They are proof that people are reading, that they’re enjoying, and that they want more.
But maybe readers don’t know what to say. Maybe you’re new to Tumblr, new to reading fan fiction, shy, or just not sure how to say what you want to say.
Let me start by saying, no matter how popular the blog or how cool you think they are, everyone loves a compliment. If you’re worried about sounding silly or bothering people, let me assure you- a message will make your writer do a happy dance (depending on the writer, they may actually get up and dance. I have.)
Here’s the basic ways of communicating with writers on Tumblr:
Likes and kudos- these are great, they’re the high-fives in this world. They’re the “hey, nice” nod.
Reblogs- even better, because they mean exposure. More people see the story and that makes us really happy. A reblog with a comment is amazing, especially one that entices others to read. These make a writer’s day.
Comments and messages- these are the thing that keeps us going. Most of us have anon turned on- and if we don’t, just let us know you want a private reply. (And, if your writer has anon off, it probably means they’ve been getting hate and deserve extra love.)
Recommendations- recs are like coming in to work to find someone baked your favorite cake and left it on your desk. Recommendations make your writer feel so loved and valued!So, that’s all good, but what do you actually SAY to writers? It doesn’t have to be much or take a lot of time.
A simple “This is great/funny/hot!” is wonderful. "Best fic I’ve read this week!“ "Funny as hell and cute too.” "You have to read this, it’s awesome!“ "I can’t wait for more of this.” "I hope you keep going!“ These are great in reblogs and in messages.
Even better is specific feedback. We love specific feedback, because it tells us what readers liked and what they didn’t. Want to influence our next fic? Tell us what you liked about this one and I bet you it will keep showing up! Specific feedback is just telling the writer what you liked. It doesn’t have to be long or complicated, either. (But if you write a lot, we will love you so much.)
Was there a character you liked? Talk about them: "I love how you wrote X” “Y was so funny!” "OMG I wanted to STRANGLE Q!“ "You can really feel X’s frustration.” "Y has so much depth, they’re a really well-rounded character.“ "R says so much with so few words, it’s amazing.”
What about a part or line you enjoyed? "That bit in the park- LOVE IT.“ "I have never read a better description of a cup of tea.” "The way you wrote about his fear, that was heartbreaking.“
Was there a part that made you feel something? Happy, sad, angry? "That last sentence killed me, he’s so broken.” "I wanted to jump around when they finally kissed!“ "This chapter was so tense, my heart was pounding by the end.”
Did the characters or plot or setting remind you of your life? "I live in Brussels, that’s just how that street looks.“ "When Y talked about R, I knew exactly how he felt.” "You captured that lost, aimless feeling perfectly; I’ve so been there.“
Are there unanswered questions? Mention how much you want the answers. "I can’t wait to find out what’s in the basket!” "That was a cliffhanger ending, wow.“ "How is she going to explain THAT?” (some writers are touchy about predicting, though, so stay away from “I bet he’ll throw that letter out.” or “X is clearly coming back.”)
A few closing notes: be enthusiastic if that’s your style, go crazy with exclamation marks, smileys, caps! Tell a writer if you’re rereading their work- very little makes us happier than knowing our writing has the staying power for a second, third, sixth, tenth read. Did a reread give you a new insight or feeling about the fic? Tell us! We will be so excited to hear. And remember, recommendations are wonderful- putting up a random post tagging your favorite writers or fics you’re enjoying will show the writers that they’re writing is more than a flash in the opan and they’ll get some new readers too!
We can’t do this writing thing without you guys. So thank you so much! Without readers, we’re just talking to ourselves. We love and appreciate you for reading- but we need to know you’re doing it. We need feedback like we need air. Don’t let your favorite writers suffocate! 🙂
Tag: writing
I gave Salmon a 1.5 month break for NaNo (I still need to finish that, ack), and rereading the last couple of chapters I wrote is breaking my heart. It’s not bad to be emotionally compromised by your own writing, right? :D;;;
Poor guy…
How Long is this Fic Really?: A Guide
Word count in the HP Series:
Sorcerer’s Stones: 76,944
Chamber of Secrets: 85,141
Prisoner of Azkaban: 107,253
Goblet of Fire: 190,637
Order of the Phoenix: 257,045
Half-Blood Prince: 168,923
Deathly Hallows: 198,227Word count in the LOTR Series:
The Hobbit: 95,022
Fellowship of the Ring: 177,227
Two Towers: 143,436
Return of the King: 134,462This changed me
On Petes tumblr he said a lot of fantasy sold this year. But I hear it’s slowing down. Which is true? I won’t be ready to query my YA fantasy series until at least Feb and I’m feeling crappy about missing the boat.
Worry about things that you can control. Write the best damn book you can. 🙂
[[ Image Description: A photo featuring a tuxedo cat lying down, its body in the background, and its paws towards the viewer and together, with a post on it by user @aleclightwoodsbooty.
The post reads: “If you think we need more asexual, pansexual, and bisexual characters in books today clap your hands” ]]
I have, on more than one occasion, had my writing workshopped and gotten feedback about how “such-and-such character isn’t sexual enough” and that “all boys just want sex”
I’m totally ignoring them, though. *shrug*
Scrivener screencaps for two of my books-in-progress. This software is totally worth it. I just add scenes on the left, and then compile/export the whole book in manuscript format.
Shit I’m writing three novels at once again….
Original writing = few notes
Fan writing = lots of notes
Get published, write fan writing of original writing = all the notes?!
Up early on a Saturday (bed at midnight every night and up at 7 every morning is hard but has been worth it so far), working on my book. Again, I should be writing about this in my writing blog ( @gabapplewrites ) but am lazy. Plus this information is relevant.
My intention is to have the first Fishsticks novel (it’s a standalone, really) finished and sent out by the end of the month. Which is insane, but really necessary. I think I can do it, especially if I dedicate all of my lunch breaks and early mornings to it. 🙂
November will be NaNoWriMo, in which I am writing the fluffy summer romance that came to my head back in April. It’s going to be cute and sappy and so indulgent. And short. As in, it’s two stories in one, both of which will be 25-30k each. Bunny and Anthony are great characters and I’m thrilled to be writing them. No supernatural twists, just summer romance, camping, and a slice of suicide. Perfect.
After that, it’s going to be a bit of a waiting game during December. Querying sometimes takes a while, but I only have two agents in mind to submit Fishsticks to. So we’ll just see how that goes, I guess, which will determine the project I work on next.
In the interim of all of that (and this is where this all becomes relevant), I will focus on the Dangerous Cute book and a side project or two featuring Pushpin, which was always my intent. Picture books. I don’t want to start the 2nd Fishsticks book until I know what’s going on with the first (that would cause so many nightmares), but I can definitely do some cute kitten art meanwhile. 😀
Pushpin’s ABZs is the one that I started drafting a couple of months ago… not sure what the other one should be. Pushpin plans a party? It’s so dangerous to let him do anything… but oh well.
Also, has anyone else noticed that coffee tastes a lot like the milk leftover from Golden Crisp?
Omg novel revisions… My life…