elikerin replied to your photo: “Wonder Yuuri and tiny princess Vitya.”:

How did you get this idea?!

@mamodewberry and I were joking about a Batman AU one night because I was comparing Viktor to Bruce Wayne, and since she knows I am weak to Bruce/Diana, she suggested we put Yuuri in Wonder Woman’s outfit because it would show off his amazing thighs. I said I would draw it, but kept putting it off because my confidence in drawing humans is next to zero… but after posting the latest chapter of the fic, where little Viktor talks about wanting to be a princess, I realized that a Wonder Woman Yuuri could totally protect him… because, really, tiny Vitya is precious and must be protected at all costs. So I decided to stop being a wuss and finally draw it for Princess Vitya’s sake.

And that is the story.

…besides, anyone can be a princess if they want to be. I think Wonder Woman would agree.

Let’s talk Wonder Woman for a second


Earlier this year WB made it clear that Wonder Woman will not be left out of the marketing.  So far we have:

Her front and center in two magazine covers


She’s getting her own statue, just like Batman and Superman


As well as her own Barbie Doll next year


And oh look, we’re also getting

A wonder woman shirt


Her own hat


Hot wheel toys


Another doll


And more

And in the last two trailers we have these gems


And oh look, she’s right in the middle of a Trinity shot again


And after many years and many delays there’s finally gonna be a Wonder Woman movie


So how about giving a lovely round of applause to Warner Bros. and DC for actually keeping their word and making sure their top iconic female superhero get the first class treatment she deserves?


Keep it up WB/DC!