
I noticed a sudden surge of “is it okay to draw fanart??” pop up on my tumblr dash and, well- being someone who has been creating original works for years and who also draws fanart, I figured I’d toss in my two cents.

Drawing fanart is just another form of love. You love something enough to want to take part in it. There’s no shame in that.

Shows, games, comics, movies, etc. don’t just pop up out of thin air. I think a lot of Original Properties creators tend to forget that, on a much larger scale, fandoms have formed around someone else’s original ideas. You wouldn’t hate someone for drawing fanart of your characters, would you?

So take a seat, relax, and if you don’t like something- then don’t look. Common sense. More importantly, don’t let anyone else tell you that you can’t enjoy something just because they don’t share the same interest.

<3 -Del