I was very productive at work today… came home and crashed… now I’m simultaneously hungry and wanting to throw up and I hurt all over ughhhh I got a flu shot why am I siiick

(okay so the flu shot really only prevents from the most common strains of flu virus predicted for the year, so it’s very possible to catch OTHER strains of the flu even when you get a shot. It seems that a coworker got sick and this has been going around the office and everyone has had the same symptoms and I just need to stick with it but I’ve burned through 24 hrs of PTO and don’t have any more to waste so fingers crossed for being able to get through tomorrow so I can die all weekend instead…) 

oh and this means that I am not posting art today because I can’t even think about drawing without feeling more awful sORRY ;_; 

Didn’t go to @anyahatesbunnies‘ party because I’m feeling sick and I wasn’t able to arrange transportation, so I’m cleaning my apartment and having a pity party instead. Maybe I’ll make some soup.

On the plus side, NaNoWriMo starts tomorrow… 

So that will be fun. And a lot of work. And, like most writing, feel totally pointless because no one is going to read my stuff until/unless I get published and even then…  (with the exception of friggin @mamodewberry of course because she is an angel and reads everything I write for some reason). But it’s not about people reading stuff, right? Except that’s the whole point of books… I just wish I knew if I was wasting my time or not. 😐

Anyway, back to cleaning and trying not to hurl. Happy Halloweeeen…

Yeah no… the headache today didn’t come with nausea (probably because I didn’t wear my reading glasses for most of the day), but it’s a full-blown cluster headache now, so I will not be finishing the comic tonight… instead, I will be searching for a heating pad. Surely I have one somewhere.

I am so gross and sick bleguh why sob. This is why I need to move to somewhere more temperate… not blazing hot one day, freezing cold the next. Or in the same day. Multiple times. Utahhhhh!!!112

Dangerous Cute #122 – The Art of Quitting pt 6

Originally posted here with hover text, bonus panel, and more ranting! :V  http://www.dangerouscute.com/?p=353