What happened to strain your back?? OnO

Oh gosh…

Ever since I had the cancer stuff (10 years ago), I’ve had off and on back pain. I guess it’s called sciatica? Especially when I get all hypothyroid… I can’t walk further than like 10 feet before my back seizes up and my legs get super stiff and it’s so painful and debilitating that all I can do is hobble.

MOST of the time it’s fine. I can go months with only neck pain (which I think is mostly stress-related, because it tenses when bad emotional things happen, and then I get tension headaches, etc)…  but idk, I did something this week and it’s back. Even walking to the train station has been difficult. 

Probably all of the walking I’ve been trying to do (which has caused weight gain; yay thanks body), the severe lack of sleep, and packing for the move. Lots of stacks of books and DVDs… not to mention couch stuff…

It just aggravated something. It feels like things in my spine are squished in some places and that there are holes in others and it makes it so hard to move, which is super annoying. 😐

Pretty sure that all I can do is rest, too, to fix it… which, you know, I can’t do for long because moving day is in less than 2 weeks!!!