Zodiac Signs: I’m Scared So I


Aries: I’m scared they won’t hear me So I scream louder

Taurus: I’m scared they need more So I’m giving my all

Gemini: I’m scared they won’t like me So I become another

Cancer: I’m scared they will leave me So I don’t let them in

Leo: I’m scared they’ll forget me So I keep reminding them I’m here

Virgo: I’m scared they‘ll find better So I keep being the best

Libra: I’m scared of their opinions So I silenced mine

Scorpio: I’m scared they will hurt me So I won’t let them know me

Sagittarius: I’m scared they will lock me So I keep running away

Capricorn: I’m scared they won’t be satisfied So I never rest

Aquarius: I’m scared they’ll make me one of them So I’m staying outside

Pisces: I’m scared they’ll devour me So I devour myself

The signs as writers

Writes non-stop but doesn’t share it with anyone: Scorpio, Capricorn, Leo
Writes like 5 chapters then gives up: Aries, Gemini, Aquarius
Writes like 9 books in 10 days: Taurus, Virgo, Sagittarius
In a constant state of writer’s block: Cancer, Libra, Pisces

The signs as writers

Writes non-stop but doesn’t share it with anyone: Scorpio, Capricorn, Leo
Writes like 5 chapters then gives up: Aries, Gemini, Aquarius
Writes like 9 books in 10 days: Taurus, Virgo, Sagittarius
In a constant state of writer’s block: Cancer, Libra, Pisces