White collar office workers looking down on minimum wage fast food workers…







You go into your job, you piddle around getting coffee and getting “set up” every morning when you’re on the clock, you spend an hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon on Facebook, you mess around on the internet in between that, and you have a custodial staff cleaning up after you.

You don’t have to do the cleaning yourself. You don’t have bosses telling you “If you’ve got time to lean, you’ve got time to clean.” You have time to lean. You lean on your desk during the mid-afternoon slump and no one says anything except to remark on how many hours you have to go. You lean on your friend’s cubicle wall while you talk about the big game or your guild raid or who said what about whom on TV last night. Sure, if you do that too often or too obviously, someone will say something, but the mere fact that conversation happens isn’t automatically taken as a red flag that someone is stealing time from The Company.

You might have to kiss up to the boss or a touring client from time to time, but mostly, you don’t have to provide service with a smile or anything like that. You don’t have to smile and speak cheerfully and politely to customers who are making your job difficult by their apathy, entitlement, and disrespect. You can sit there and grimace and sneer and roll your eyes at the computer monitor, muttering under your breath (or speaking out loud to your neighbors) about what a live one you’re dealing with as you type out your considered and professional reply. Whatever your job is, you’re just expected to do it, not do it and perform the emotional labor of a continuous mask of unflappable perkiness.

Your schedule is not a weekly guessing game. It’s not set by someone playing chicken with the part-time/full-time boundary. You aren’t expected to come in before your shift to get everything set up or stay after you’ve clocked out in order to clean everything up for tomorrow. You don’t live in a state of constant tension between the fact that you don’t make enough money even with the hours they deign to give you and the fact that they give you hours designed to ensure you can’t have any life or commitments outside the job.

White collar workers are paid with the expectation that they will have done their jobs within the time that they spend in the office, not that they will have worked a solid 8 or 10 hours the entire time they were on the clock.

Minimum wage workers are treated like if they aren’t performing two or three jobs the entire time they’re on the clocks, they’re stealing their wages.

Source: I have worked white collar office jobs, and listened to my friends who have worked minimum wage service jobs. I could probably still do the former, if I hadn’t transitioned and if transportation weren’t an issue. I know for a fact I could not do the latter.

I have worked both types of jobs and this is very accurate.

even the micromanaged white collar jobs are still less intensely policed than minimum wage jobs.

To every fucking Desk Jockey calling fast food workers “Burger Flippers”

I’ve done both this summer and it was super odd to have my “career path” job being something I could read every single new York Times op-ed over the course of while I had to be on basically constantly for my 9 an hour fake job

When IT works well, you have a lot of time to fuck around. If you’re good at your job, you have a lot of time to fuck around.

I came home from my fast food job FUCKING EXHAUSTED every fucking night. There was no standing around. There was no posting on LJ. I had more free time in the office IN THE MARINES than I did working fast food.

People who call fast food workers “lazy burger flippers” around me get an earful, because that is some bulllllllshit.

I’ve done food and retail, currently working white collar.

Yeah. Food workers are NOT lazy.

Yuri on Ice as Seinen, Or, Why I Love the Skating Anime


With the anticipated and dreaded episode 12 nearly upon us, I figure it’s time to make this post. I’ve been wanting to make it for a while : write something about why I love this thing so much, about the things it does.

I’ve always found it pretty jarring to see comparisons between Yuri on Ice and other sports anime like Haikyuu or Free, and that’s mostly because in my head, YoI comes from a very different place than most other sports series. Sports anime, for the most part, belongs in the shounen genre and comes with all the genre codifiers : passion, teamwork, diligence, friendship, the exhilaration of having dreams and realizing that you might be able to reach them for the first time, the exuberance and heady rushes and sweat and tears and uncertainties of shining youth. How much any given series exemplify this depends on the series. Some focus more on the human drama. Some focus more on the heartpounding rush of the competition. Still, most of the time, those ideas are what sports anime run on.

Yuri on Ice’s central concerns, on the other hand, are pretty seinen.

Keep reading

A++ agreed


no matter how much you trust and love someone they will still steal all your stars in mario party



Quick reminder that you’re totally allowed to like things without diving completely into knowing everything about them

you like 2 or 3 songs by a band and never listened to more? that’s perfectly okay

you like the Marvel movies but have no interest in reading 50 years of comic books? totally fine

you only play one or two videos games, mostly on your cell phone? they’re fun!

you read and enjoyed the Harry Potter books but don’t care about looking into crazy theories and clues planted in the stories? It’s not for everyone!

You don’t need to meet a requirement to enjoy something and anyone who claims you do is an elitist and an asshole

This, this, this, THIS, THIS!!


i read a really interesting response to this very question once.

good food is one of the only luxuries millennials can feasibly afford. with student debt, job insecurity, and an increased cost of living millennials can no longer afford to indulge in the past generations luxuries. things like cars, houses, even travel! a good meal is honestly one of the only things we can treat ourselfs to, so shut the fuck up and let us enjoy our fucking food



theres a huge difference btwn panic attacks and anxiety attacks. i keep seeing people use panic attack to refer to anxiety attacks and as someone who experience panic attacks it’s just not cool to see it being marginalized in that way.

the difference is:

anxiety attack –>   people may feel fearful, apprehensive, may feel their heart racing or feel short of breath, but it’s very short lived, and when the stressor goes away, so does the anxiety attack.

panic attack –>  

doesn’t come in reaction to a stressor. it’s unprovoked and unpredictable. during a panic attack the individual is seized with terror, fear, or apprehension. they may feel that they’re going to die, or lose control or have a heart attack. they have a host of physical symptoms which may include chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea.

Source: Cathy Frank, M.D., Director, Outpatient Behavioral Health Services, Henry Ford Hospital

bless this post


Telling a fat person that they are disgusting doesn’t help.

Telling a fat person who has no problem with how they are that they are gross and unacceptable is like air lifting them to a pedestal in the middle of a vast, lonely ocean and leaving them there to sit and think about how “naughty and bad” they’re being.

Telling a fat person who’s already dieting and exercising that they are unhealthy and killing themselves upon judging them without knowing them is like cutting the rope they’re using to climb a mountain that’s already so steep.

Telling a depressed fat person that all their worries and insecurities will melt away when they shed the kilos is like putting foundation over a scar and saying it isn’t there anymore.

Telling a fat person they have no right to love themselves ,whether they plan to lose their weight or not, is telling them they have no right to live a happy life. 

Telling that little girl that she has to lose weight to be like her classmates and be loved as much as them doesn’t make her want to lose her weight, it makes her put on more.

So no, Nicole, Shaming doesn’t help people. It never will.


what the fuck at all of these posts i’m seeing on my dash defending outright emotional manipulation and abuse in relationships in general.

if you are at a point in your relationship with someone where:

  • they are openly (however passive aggressively) jealous about you spending time with people who aren’t them
  • they demand your attention above everyone else’s or above other things you have going on in your life
  • they force you to fulfill a quota of communication with them every day like communication with them is something you owe them instead of something that should come naturally for both of you
  • you have to walk on eggshells around them to avoid making them angry at you
  • they refuse to apologize for treating you badly because “they can’t help it”
  • you feel guilty doing things that aren’t talking to them in case it upsets them
  • if you are generally interacting with them out of a perceived obligation or fear of upsetting them rather than a genuine desire to speak to them

that is not healthy. that is not a sign of a healthy relationship. stop defending this shit.