To-do list for portfolio (for my reference, really):

  • Paint troll picture, jane, nellie, hedgehog
  • Scan unicorns, dogs, horses, nellie, robot
  • Scan & redo xander, monster (decided not to do this)
  • Sketch, paint, finish Daksh
  • Find a pair for Jane and Xander
  • Write title/short-desc for all
  • Write short bio for me
  • Figure out how to do a business card pocket (maybe)
  • Narrow down title & desc font from list of 25 Done!

…at least there’s only one that I need to do from scratch. The others are at LEAST sketched or partially inked. 

And hey, I think that’ll fill 15 pages nicely! Then all I’ll have to do is figure out what to do for my cover… if anything… I at least figured out that it’ll be 36 “pages” total and use 9 pieces of paper, which is cool. Deep breath. Slow exhale. I can totally do this. 

Oh, and Fishsticks is at 47,000 words now. Still not at 75k, obviously, but getting there. I’m traipsing through the murky middle and rethinking some of the timeline, which would involve a LOT of work… I may just finish it as-is and worry about that in the next round of revisions, AFTER the conference. Or, you know, ask their advice about it.