What I’ve done this weekend:

  • Not draw
  • Watch the first and second ninja turtles movies, as well as Jurassic Park (so basically my most favorite of favorite films)
  • Work on a love scene for @mamodewberry‘s FREE! fic (it’s really cute and it’s killing me)
  • Found a name for Hakudog/SpaceAU Hakuba with the serial numbers rubbed off– Keff. Keff-Keff. So there’s Keff and Adder so far.  
  • Had a migraine
  • Slept a lot
  • Renewed the apartment lease for another year
  • Did laundry
  • Signed up for cell phone service again… phones should be here tomorrow. It’s been a YEAR. I really missed having a cell phone!!! 
  • Ordered more toilet paper through amazon
  • Planned more of this “super secret project” (it’s a zine)
  • started playing Disney crossy road >:(
  • read a lot

All is submitted, re: the book. 

It feels like my novel was picked over by vultures, but hopefully the class (and agent) will still enjoy the bare bones that are left. 

Re: work, this week was my one year anniversary at my new job. My boss brought donuts. I can honestly say that I have never loved a job more. Even on the really long, really frustrating days, it’s amazing. I love love love love it. I love the work, I love my clients, I love my team, I love my boss, and I love all of the crazy stuff that I get to do every day. 

A client today asked if I did voice work and/or video editing. It may be something that I will get involved in.

I am so tired right now. My brain is utterly fried. 

I want to throw my entire book out the window and rewrite it. I WILL RESIST THIS URGE and draw this weekend, instead. Or sleep. And watch some movies. And keep my poor legs up… oh my poor legs… I abused them so, sitting at my home office desk every night this week. :’( 

IT MIGHT be time to go to bed early so I can be awesome tomorrow. 

I WENT TO WORK AND I GOT THINGS DONE!! it was awesome even though I was coughing and blowing my nose every two seconds. A couple of people sympathized, saying “allergies suck huh?” and then the PR girl was like “OMG were your symptoms this and this and this??? MAN IT WAS SUCH A NASTY FLU HUH?! I HAD THAT OVER THE WEEKEND!!”

I’m going with the flu. Yep. But I am mostly better, just weak and sniffly and coughy. 

At least, that’s how I justified going shopping after work. >_>; No, we didn’t get groceries, we went and picked up an ipad pro for me to draw on, which Aaron promptly put on the highest shelf in our closet so I can’t reach it. He’ll get it down for me when I finish my book.


There’s only 10k or something left probably…

In other news, I finally read The Indian in the Cupboard and The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian this week, and adored them both. What took me so long?! 

I’m just ten pages away from finishing Writing the Breakout Novel, too, and already feel like I should go back and read it again– with a highlighter this time. 

I think I’ll (re)start the first Percy Jackson book next, and maybe look up The Partner

I also drew a blue tailed skink at work today, but it’s been pretty busy, so it’s not finished yet. I’ll post it tomorrow. It’s cute!

@anyahatesbunnies kidnapped me today to get me out of my apartment for a while. We went to an occult shop and to Hobby Lobby and it was great. 

“Wait what?” some readers ask, skeptical and confused. “An occult shop?”

To which I reply, “Yes, of course. It was helpful for research and I enjoy speaking to the staff there. They’re always full of positive energy. Plus I picked up a neato pack of Pirate tarot cards!”

“You do tarot???” The confusion continues to mount, along with mixed concern. “But Gab, I thought you were good/innocent/etc!”

“Those aren’t mutually exclusive,” I explain, and offer a sort of sad smile. Because the bad rap that exploring other cultures and ideas and philosophies is really upsetting. “I have three tarot decks now, but I don’t really know how to use any of them. Still, they’re pretty, and very interesting.”

Besides, they were having a special on readings- $10 for 10 minutes -and I spoke to a very nice gentleman about animal totems and spirit guides. It was a great conversation. He guessed two of the three animals that I dream about most often, as well as one that I have always had an affinity for but haven’t talked about. Then he said that he could definitely see (assuming that I work out my own spiritual journey) me on the other side of the table in a couple of years, doing energy and spiritual healing work. 

This is not the first time that this has been said to me by a reader. Cori said that I should quit my job and become a psychic, but I think I’ll stick to story-telling. 

At Hobby Lobby, I bought pipe cleaners that will be perfect for re-tailing some of my Calico Critters. I almost bought a fake book with an Ace of Spades motif for my Shinichi to stand on, but instead I settled for a charm in the shape of an owl/key.