
It’s so weird sometimes reading discourse about media outside of tumblr, because there is this barrier that comes from refusing to see social justice implications that are so god damn apparent. Like when I see people elsewhere saying over and over that Kylo Ren is hugely disappointing because he seemed like a scary badass and it turns out he’s a whiny kid throwing a tantrum, I’m baffled. Because that’s the point???

Because entitlement is terrifying and hurting people isn’t actually cool or manly. Doing horrible grimdark things doesn’t make you an awesome badass; most of the time it makes you a tantrum-throwing child fixated on your own preciousness. The movie just presents that without comment and it’s SO CRAZY to me how many people could watch that and come away from it without understanding what’s so evident. 

Like I’m sorry the last several years of television and movies have programmed you to believe that the white boy villain all in black is such a necessary and important fixture that he must be the coolest thing in the entire story, but the fact that Kylo takes his mask off when he’s facing down Rey is not a misstep along the way, it’s the fucking destination. The entire fucking POINT is that he is small and weak while she is awesome and strong. Being a shitty person doesn’t make you more grown up and more of a badass. Doing the right thing makes you awesome in the face of other people’s fuckery.

It’s just so strange that there are people who need to have this explained, I don’t GET it. It feels so fucking blatant.











Ok but I feel like this guy knew him and I want that story

Need to know the relationship between Finn, this stormtrooper, and the one that died in Finn’s arms.

I already read a fic that gave the dying trooper designation FN-2003. I need some fanon to fill in the gaps.

I think Finn made friends fast, boy had like six people shouting traitor at different points of the movie.

FN2187 was popular and his defection pierced the hearts of the entire fn troop


Greg Rucka’s Star Wars novel Before the Awakening is A) Quite good and B) Explains much about Finn’s stormtrooper training and social circle leading up to the movie. 

In a nutshell: 

  • Finn was trained in a squad of four boys: Him (FN-2187), Nines, Zero and Slip. 
  • Nines and Zero have nicknames based on their alphanumerical designations (Zero’s is FN-2003, likely used by the ficcer mentioned above, Nines ended in 9s, etc.). Slip was called slip because he was a fuckup. 
  • Turns out, most troopers have nicknames
  • Why does FN-2187 not have a nickname? Because nobody really likes him. An older trooper tells him straight to his face: he’s an outsider. It just happens to some troopers. 
  • Why is this extra tragic? Is it because Finn’s a shitty trooper? NO. He’s actually top of his little trooper class. He’s the fucking bomb, with a blaster, with tactics, with hand-to-hand weapons. Phasma’s got extremely high expectations for him. (what a fuckin mary sue amirite)
  • So why is this actually extra tragic? What’s Phasma’s one problem with him? Finn cares too much. He cares about keeping his squad alive.
  • He cares about going back for his friends more than the mission objective SOUND FAMILIAR? 
  • So Phasma tells him to stop coddling Slip or face consequences. He does. 

And then: the skirmish on Jakku. A trooper dies and Finn loses his final shred of faith in the First Order. Who is that trooper? PROBABLY SLIP, IT REALLY SEEMS LIKE. Basically Finn’s brother, even if he never really fit in with his squad.

And then: the first thing Poe does is give him a nickname based on his alphanumerical designation JUST LIKE HIS TROOPER FAMILY, NINES AND ZERO AND SLIP, WHO NEVER LIKED HIM ENOUGH TO GIVE HIM ONE. 

IN CONCLUSION the trooper in the gifset above who recognizes Finn on sight (and who has been meme-nicknamed TR-8R) is likely Zero or Nines. 

IN CONCLUSION finn my bby D:

This is fantastic. Bless you, @nerdgerhl, and I’m reblogging to pass on this vital canon backstory I didn’t even know existed. 

Oh my god why would you DO THIS TO ME


the thing that makes me really appreciate the whole “i love you” / “i know” exchange in the empire strikes back is that, this whole time, han has been urging leia for some sign of affection, of validation, in terms of his feelings for her. han has made it clear that he likes her, but leia has been hiding or denying her affection towards him almost entirely. i think the reason han is so forward about it is that he hopes this will get her to admit it, not because he’s vain but because he needs his own feelings to be validated. after they kiss, he’s very outwardly affectionate, taking and holding her hand often, kissing her on the forehead, as if he’s purposely being somewhat obvious to make sure she notices, to test the waters, to see if she wants him to be as affectionate as he does. but even through all of his demonstrative behavior, leia is still pretty distant.

so in this crucial moment, she realizes that she’s never fully admitted how she feels, and that he needs to know. it’s not so much a “this could be my last chance to say it” moment, but a “this could be your last chance to hear it” moment. it’s true and she knows it, but she says it for him. she says it because she sees that he has to finally hear it. so his “i know” response isn’t cocky, it’s reassuring. it’s telling her not to be worried, because even though she’s never told him, han has always known.