Simba, Ariel and Nemo

Oo, I already got Ariel and Nemo and hadn’t posted them yet when you submitted, so I’ll do the next ones in line!

Simba: Something a parent has taught you.

My dad taught me a very important lesson about picking your battles carefully. Specifically, looking at an argument objectively to figure out what’s more important – being right or not damaging your relationship with the other person. Sometimes, being right is more important… but other times, most times, especially with the petty things that get bickered about among friends and family, it’s better just to let things go.

This was further ingrained when I took all of those sociology/psychology classes about relationships that talked about how there’s no one right way to load the dishwasher, so stop being so freaking picky about it and just be glad that the dishes are being done! 

Flounder: Something that surprised you and frightened you.

Last year, Aaron and I were driving to Anime Vegas and the roads were really bad and a walmart semi changed lanes RIGHT in front of us and we had to swerve to avoid being hit, went over a patch of ice and fishtailed, turning us sideways against oncoming traffic and then we went into a ditch. It was terrifying. But we didn’t die and our car was mostly okay, so we were able to continue our journey with only mild whiplash! Amazing. 

Terk: Are you a big brother/sister figure to anyone?

I have an actual little brother who is much taller than me. He’s wonderful, and I take my big sister role very seriously. I also kind of feel like a big sister to a lot of people, really… not even sure why, but I think it has to do with my excessive MOTHER HENNING. :V