
Casual reminder that working off the clock is illegal. Unless you’re salaried or authorized for overtime there is no reason for you to stay late. None. Your employers know this, too.

You know what else? I have had bosses that have forced employees to clock out because the big machine wasn’t warmed up yet. So we were required to stand there for 10 minutes, unpaid, while that happened.

I have had bosses that required that every 15 minute block be recorded and justified, and we were paid based on that time. Which meant if they didn’t give us a task ticket to do, we weren’t able to clock that time, and thus didn’t get paid for waiting on our bosses to get us work. Our efficiency was based on how much of that time was billed (after they took off time that they thought wasn’t justified), and through that, we almost never, ever got raises.

There are also the bosses who don’t give any benefits (paid time off, paid holidays, insurance..) unless you are on salary… and the requirements for salary were perfect attendance for a 3 month period. No sick days, no tardies (even 1 minute), and a required 8 hours per day. And once on salary, you were required to clock 40 hours per week at MINIMUM or you would be kicked off. It was basically a cap on how much they were willing to pay and the only way you could get raises.

Contrarily, the boss I have now understands if I’m running a couple of minutes late, and the company makes it easy to earn paid time off so I CAN take a sick day or take my brother to the doctor if I need to without any penalties. I am HAPPY to stay late and work hard for them when it’s needed. I actually ENJOY being on time or early to this job because I know that my time is valued by THEM.

There’s a HUGE, HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE difference from one employer telling you that you’re LUCKY TO HAVE A JOB when you ask, after four years of service, if you can have a raise…  and the other employer who THANKS YOU for your hard work and makes sure you feel valued.

Maybe if we millennials were treated like people and given a chance, instead of being told that we’re selfish, worthless, greedy, lazy slobs… we wouldn’t be running out the door as quickly as we could. 

so I need to write this big post about commissions (getting them done) and refunds (for those who are done waiting) and making a spreadsheet to make sure I get everyone squared away and doing lots of art and taking a break from taking any new commissions so I can do a spiritual journey of learning to be better at art

but I also need to include the fact that I’m not going to be at furcon this week because I wasn’t able to get a table and our finances are screwed due to being robbed + me being sick for the last 4 weeks and missing lots of days at work pLUS debt collectors keep popping out of the woodwork like WHERE DID YOU COME FROM WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT No I don’t have $$$$ to just HAND YOU what do you think we are scraping by as is gosh leave me alooooononeneeeeee 

and I’m kind of scared to.. talk about it.. or anything… 

but not talking to people doesn’t actually help anything and it’s just going to make this worse and I already want to go hide under something because my comic site is STILL broken and everyone is so disappointed in me AAHHHghfjkrsafd

give me strength to own up to it and be responsible please I am so tired and I don’t have health insurance still sob I am about ready to actually say ‘yo doctor i’m way depressed plz help me to stop sucking’ but I cAAANNN’T