Thank you for being ever patient with me and my inability to be a stable or constant human being. 

I’m not 100% sure what I mean by that exactly but your support and everything is appreciated.



if you ever try to befriend me and you expect to be in frequent contact with me i am so sorry. i do that with maybe two people and even then i often go days or weeks without saying anything before talking daily for a while. 

the point is if we dont talk that doesnt mean i dont like u and think about u a lot im just terrible at maintaining close relationships

Just remember… for every sketch I post, there are 5-10 others that I don’t let anyone see. 

BY THE WAY if I don’t respond to an ask or fanmail right away, it is usually because I am on mobile and don’t want to screw up my response, which I am prone to doing. :D;;; 

More on this topic:

People don’t need to be in constant communication to be very good friends. I have plenty of friends that I only talk to once every few months, but I think of them fondly and we just pick up where we left off when we do come across something that we want to talk to each other about. What would this be called? More of a fluid conversation…?

There’s a handful of people that talk to me exclusively through text and we never stop our conversation. It’s ongoing forever, whether the responses are 30 seconds apart or a week. There’s a mutual understanding that we care about each other and will respond when we can. Chill relationships like that are so important to me.

I guess it’s easier to be in more frequent contact if we’re working on something together. But even that is difficult for me to really quantify. I keep running into problems where a friend will require x amount of contact per day/week/etc, or the friendship is off. Which I just do not understand.

Pro tip: if you give me an ultimatum like that, I will almost always walk away. 

The only things that are allowed to demand my time are my husband (who doesn’t, anyway), and work (which does out of necessity, but never asks me to take work home). Everything else is second. So if that bothers you, sorry. I won’t be happy, you won’t be happy. I guess that’s my ultimatum. If you can’t handle the fact that I am already hopelessly devoted to someone already, and that I have lots of friends, then don’t waste your time on me because that is not going to change. Bestestbestbestbest friend slot has already been taken by Aaron. Sorry. 

But if you get that I am an adult with a spouse, a full-time job, a million hobbies, and lots of friends that I am close to… then we’ll be just fine and able to have lots of fun together as time and mood permits. 🙂


i really am a “text me if you need something” person. like unless i have something specific to talk about, i don’t usually initiate a conversation. if you wanna talk just to talk then im all here but dont take me not hittin you up as me not caring.

Reblogging here because it is incredibly important. I was brought up in a family that did not initiate contact unless there was a reason for it. I have been conditioned not to “bother” people unless I have to, and even then I will probably try everything on my own first. This means two things:

  1. If I ask you for help, I have exhausted every other option that I’m aware of and am hoping that you will be willing to help me without patronizing me (but if you do that it’s my own fault and I should have been able to figure it out on my own)
  2. if you ask for help, I will assume that you’ve done everything in your power to solve whatever problem, and if there is any way that I can help you, I’m going to try to, and I’m most likely not gonna give you any attitude about it. Unless, you know, I find out that you’re just being a whiney boobit… in which case I’ll roll my eyes and still probably help you.

But if you just want to talk, please approach me. I’m happy to talk! I love people and friends and everything! I’m just very well-practiced at keeping myself entertained until someone needs me for something. Hence why I am always busy. Because I am.  That’s what I’m supposed to do. There are always tons of things to do.


Have a ghost jackal that believes in the power of a reblog.

Ways that Reblogs help artists: 

Their followers see their art.If you reblog the artist’s work, then your followers can see their work too. Say if I have 79 followers, and then if you reblog my art 500 more people see it! (If you have that many followers, of course.) But even one extra person seeing it can mean having a commission or another person to morally support the artists work.

Reblogs might equal commissions. And we all know how hungry and starving artists are most of the time.

Reblogs mean more attention on their characters, especially original characters.It is a HUGE confidence boost to hear when someone likes your oc’s. Small things like that can actually drive an artist to keep trying, to keep practicing and possibly even get better as they do. 

You can help them connect to other artists and get advice and critique.

You can connect to an artist and possibly gain another friend. c:

Thanks for the read cats, I hope you all have a great day.