Even when pharmacists do let people access contraception, whether emergency contraception or condoms or prescription birth control pills, the process isn’t always free of judgment. In a series of recent online discussions, people across the country have begun to share stories of the stigma they’ve experienced. As many have pointed out, this can be especially damaging to teens.
If an employee in a pharmacy makes a snide comment – Front store workers, pharmacists, or Pharmacy Techs give you shit? Gently (Or not so gently) remind them that the waiver they signed upon being hired legally binds them from commenting on your purchase, as it is a violation of privacy laws. Doing so is grounds for INSTANT termination and hefty fines.
Pharmacy workers (white coats) are legally obligated to ASK if you need an explanation of how medication works and any side effects, any medication conflicts etc. If you decline, THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED AT ALL TO MAKE SNIDE REMARKS OR FARTHER COMMENT ON YOUR PURCHASE. FRONT STORE EMPLOYEES CAN NOT AT ALL COMMENT IN ANY WAY, IN ANY STORE WITH A PHARMACY IN IT.
Know your rights. If this shit happens? Call them the fuck out and ask to speak to a manager. Get worked up. Cause a scene. Threaten a Lawsuit. If you see this happening to someone else, and they seem to be struggling, speak up for them.
As a Pharmacy worker, you bet your ass I’ll protect you and your privacy. IT’S MY JOB.
PLUS: I know many girls who use it to regulate their periods so its not all crazy.
I’ve mentioned this before here, but back in high school, I was prescribed BC because I had terrible ovarian cysts that would rupture whenever I’d ovulate. So it’d be 7 days of heavy bleeding and white-knuckle pain for my period, and then stabbing pain in my ovary two weeks later, with spotting, for days.
The people who found out that I was on BC were quick to make comments about it, even though I hadn’t been ever KISSED much less had sex.
They’d ask in church if I was feeling better (because the last ruptured cyst landed me in the ER it was so painful), and I’d tell them what the doctor said, and then the side-eyes would begin… which would carry on into university, etc.
Which doesn’t actually have anything to do with the pharmacy, though I can say that my university doctor denied doing a premarital physical because he said that “we don’t live in babylon!” and laughed… Because going to BYU somehow means that people are going to be automatically HEALTHY???? WITH NO PROBLEMS??? And he was resistant to renew my prescription, but I managed to get THAT at least.
Though, you know, even if I WAS using birth control for, you know, BIRTH CONTROL instead of managing PCOS, it wouldn’t be any of their business anyway. Safe sex is important. Taking preventive measures for unwanted pregnancies is great! High five for doing the responsible thing regardless of the dumbasses that try to make you feel bad about it.
Casual reminder that working off the clock is illegal. Unless you’re salaried or authorized for overtime there is no reason for you to stay late. None. Your employers know this, too.
You know what else? I have had bosses that have forced employees to clock out because the big machine wasn’t warmed up yet. So we were required to stand there for 10 minutes, unpaid, while that happened.
I have had bosses that required that every 15 minute block be recorded and justified, and we were paid based on that time. Which meant if they didn’t give us a task ticket to do, we weren’t able to clock that time, and thus didn’t get paid for waiting on our bosses to get us work. Our efficiency was based on how much of that time was billed (after they took off time that they thought wasn’t justified), and through that, we almost never, ever got raises.
There are also the bosses who don’t give any benefits (paid time off, paid holidays, insurance..) unless you are on salary… and the requirements for salary were perfect attendance for a 3 month period. No sick days, no tardies (even 1 minute), and a required 8 hours per day. And once on salary, you were required to clock 40 hours per week at MINIMUM or you would be kicked off. It was basically a cap on how much they were willing to pay and the only way you could get raises.
Contrarily, the boss I have now understands if I’m running a couple of minutes late, and the company makes it easy to earn paid time off so I CAN take a sick day or take my brother to the doctor if I need to without any penalties. I am HAPPY to stay late and work hard for them when it’s needed. I actually ENJOY being on time or early to this job because I know that my time is valued by THEM.
There’s a HUGE, HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE difference from one employer telling you that you’re LUCKY TO HAVE A JOB when you ask, after four years of service, if you can have a raise… and the other employer who THANKS YOU for your hard work and makes sure you feel valued.
Maybe if we millennials were treated like people and given a chance, instead of being told that we’re selfish, worthless, greedy, lazy slobs… we wouldn’t be running out the door as quickly as we could.
Jesus was fond of telling his followers not to worry about how they’d afford food tomorrow because God would provide. But Jesus told them this while handing out free bread and encouraging them to help people who were in need, making them the outlet through which God would provide for others
My mother was a waitress, we live in an area that has a lot of Christians and people would often stiff her on tips. Instead they’d leave a pamphlet with quotes from Jesus saying not to worry because God would provide
Jesus’ message was never that God would magically put food on people’s tables. God would provide opportunities to help each other, like the boat captains offering to help the dying man. That only works if people actually help each other
When I first heard this joke as a teenager I laughed at the guy who didn’t take the help that was offered to him. As an adult, I think of all the Christian politicians who vote against food stamps and I want to tell them “You were the boat captain but you steered away from the man in need instead of offering him help. Is that really what God wanted you to do?”
The thing about the rich of this country is that billionaires have more money than is humanly possible to spend. So like, I really do not give any amount of a shit if increasing their taxes is “faaair” because I care more about no one starving to death or going without medical care in fucking 2015 than I do about the great grandson of the guy who invented some crappy toy being able to buy his 17th yacht. We can fucking print out organs and we have people dying of the flu because they are too poor to go to the er. Like??? Tax the shit outta the rich. Take half their money. Idgaf.
And like conservatives are so quick to say its not fair to tax the fuck out of the rich, but then they say to people struggling that “life isn’t fair” like??? If anyone is getting screwed here I want it to be the guy who owns four mc mansions not the family of four living out of their car.
If Bernie loses the primaries: YOU STILL MUST VOTE
Tumblr’s become so attached to Bernie that I’m not sure y’all are still gonna vote in the election if he loses. I will vote for him, I know most of you might too, but we must still be prepared for something like that :/
I know it would mean that you will have lost the one candidate you believed in the most. I know it will possibly mean voting for Hillary over the Republicans, when all of you don’t like her that much, I understand, believe me.
1. Because are you going to give the Republicans a greater chance of victory?
I know it seems like HRC and the Republicans are one in the same to most of you, but if both HRC and the GOP REALLY dislike each other? You can tell that’s not exactly true. Granted when compared to Bernie, Hillary seems conservative, but Bernie’s super liberal where Clinton reflects most of the party, center-left, like Obama. She’s not the progressive you all want, but she sure as hell ain’t conservative. Bernie has positive things to say about Hillary, and, let’s face it, she is still a better choice than any GOP candidate.
2. Not voting means you are still deciding who has a better chance of winning in the election, don’t be fooled.
Don’t think that Bernie not winning the Dem nomination means that there is no hope at all for change and that voting for any Democrat is useless, if you don’t vote, you give the Republicans a greater chance of winning, just like I said above. And you know what? Good. Because that’s exactly what they want. Why would they want young people voting if it means they might vote Democrat? Think about that hard.
Seriously,he released a whole video on how “elites want big money to dominate the political process” and this:
And he KNOWS they don’t want that. You will not be making a positive change if you don’t vote, hence he is saying you will make the problem worse, if you avoid voting.
This is not only for this election. It is 2016 and beyond. Don’t forget that, please.
Like, that’s one of the most insidious things cis people have done to us, create this idea that we suffer because we are trans and not because of how we are treated for being trans.
I mean, it constituted a huge “discovery” in the psych world when research showed that rampant depression and increased risk of suicide in trans people was tied to how badly we are isolated and alienated, and that conclusion would likely never have been reached without transness first being slowly de-pathologized, and thus not treated as just being something that is conveniently co-morbid with debilitating mental illness.
Cis people are deeply invested in any narrative that removes their involvement in our suffering and thus places the onus of change on us, demanding we subject ourselves to a psychiatric community that first attempts to obliterate our transness before it even considers helping facilitate it.
This misdirection of responsibility needs to be called out for what it is, an act of violence against trans people at the hands of cis people, and whether its through media, or medical discourse, or casual cissexism, it needs to fucking stop, and y’all cis folk need to hold yourselves accountable for how you perpetuate it.
I still get SO MANY cis anons in my askbox saying that trans people are unnatural or whatever specifically because we have higher rates of depression and suicide and it’s like… bro… you’re literally the reason why