podunkmouse replied to your post : I started reading a Stephen King book today… and I…

Perhaps some sort of subconscious hipster sentiment? “Stephen King? He’s okay, I guess. For a mainstream author.” ;3

I think what really happened is that I tried to read one of his books when I was much, much younger (re: highschool), and it started off talking about this woman who had divorced her husband because he was abusive and unfaithful… but ended up going to bed with him anyway when he came to visit. For young me, that was just way too much to handle. I put the book down, feeling ill, and avoided King until pushed by Cori to read On Writing, which I’ve probably read 4-5 times now, and love it. 

I still have very strong feelings when it comes to that sort of thing– ie, not giving yourself to someone who has hurt you –but I realize as an adult that it’s not so simple. I still don’t like it, but I’m extremely privileged in that I’m in a wonderful marriage and have never had to deal with that sort of thing. Many people aren’t so lucky… and good writers write the truth of life, even the ugly parts.

THIS BOOK, THOUGH, is about TEENAGERS IN HIGH SCHOOL. :D!!! That’s right up my alley!!! 

I mean, time will tell, but for now…! 

No state income tax in TX, though they do like property tax here. Seasons depend on the zone. Um… Not sure what else my brain could be picked for that Google wouldn’t know.

I’ve lived in Texas once before, when I was just an icklegab. What I remember is that it had a huge variety in people (which we don’t get in Utah, alas), and that it was HOT and there were HUGE bugs. But, there was very little snow if any, and they pay well for tech jobs, and the housing/rental market is pretty comparable to where I live now. 

The points in favor of Texas are more opportunity, cons, thunderstorms, mexican food (my favorite), fish, and the friends I have there.

Plus armadillos and my mom’s family all lives in the area (texas, louisiana, missouri). 


Granted, just about anywhere is better than Utah… though I am p happy right now I must admit. Good jobs really do make everything better! 

Hi! Just wanted to say I’m so happy for you guys that Aaron got the job. Money doesn’t buy happiness, yadda yadda, but it REALLY helps secure the peace-of-mind to start looking for it. You guys deserve that. Tell him congrats! (Even tho we each have NO IDEA who the other is, lol XD )

Oh gosh thank you so much. Yes, exactly. It’s possible, dare I say it, that in a few months… we can actually pay all of the monthly bills… not falling further behind… eventually start getting caught up… no more people calling day after day trying to get the money we don’t have, threatening to garnish more wages…

I am really, really looking forward to not having to be worried that the power will stay on… or that we can make rent… that we won’t be homeless or unable to afford medication. 

;o; thank you 

Looking at the Farrow wrap stuff. Is that something that is custom fit & tailored?

It really depends on measurements… Upper legs I can get off the shelf, but lower legs may require custom fit. It’s all kind of overwhelming. I look at the different sites and squint and try to measure and then my eyes glaze over and $500 may as well be $5,000 or $5,000,000 right now. 

Man, though. I’ve done the thing where I wrapped an ace bandage around my ankle and up to my shin for a few hours… huge difference… which was great until the bandage rolled and bunched and then I had deep, deep bruises for weeks and it hurt so bad. Hence why farrow wraps were invented… and why they can charge so much for them.

In a way it’s kind of comforting to know that a good deal of my size is due to lymphedema/lipoedema, but still.