MY LIFE LATELY, in photos.
Bonus image: I still can’t find my tupperware so this is how I packed my lunch.

MY LIFE LATELY, in photos.
Bonus image: I still can’t find my tupperware so this is how I packed my lunch.
I haven’t set up my desk shelf yet, so the brothers have taken over.
Tango found the dollhouse…!!! <3
This is the view from where I work. That N went out 5 seconds before I took the photo.
Our stairs are in a constant state of needing to be vacuumed…
…because of them.
Just got back from a road trip with my mom to Washington state to see my bro and his family. It was beautiful, as always. These photos were taken in Oregon on the way back. Alas, I didn’t get any more because I was driving the whole time… but that’s okay! This was a particularly nice view from the rest area at Dead Man’s Pass.
I hurt my wrist while drawing the other day, so here are some photos of cats (and my awesome computer shelf with new tOYS) to distract you!
(( look what mamodewberry got me for my birthday tomorrow omggggg ;__; <3
I especially love the one where he’s taking a selfie ))
Too excited, reblogging here as well. THANK YOU KRISTA
Okay, so for the last week I have been in the fairytale land known as Washington state for my older brother’s WEDDING. Aaron, my mom, and my little bro and I all traveled together, which was great ‘cause we haven’t done a family trip since 2004.
We flew from Utah to Portland, Oregon, then drove up to Vancouver, WA, then to Seattle the next day, then took a ferry to FRIDAY HARBOR on San Juan island and there we had the wedding, which was beautiful. Jeff (now-married brother) seems so, so, so happy, which makes ME so, so, SO happy. <3
The food was amazing everywhere we went. It rained a lot, which was BEAUTIFUL. My skin was so happy to not be in an arid desert, and I enjoyed being outside because the overcast made it so I wasn’t burning to death. My mom kind of wonders if my family is mildly allergic to the sun ’cause none of us like being outside because BURNING. Washington, though, we didn’t have that problem. I didn’t have to use lotion, either, and everyone’s allergies seemed to clear up. Weird.
Basically, we’re all in love with Washington and my desire to move there has increased 100x.
Other fun things:
I guess that’s it, though.
It was basically amazing, but now I’m even more broke and have to go back to work tomorrow. T___T;