
if you ever try to befriend me and you expect to be in frequent contact with me i am so sorry. i do that with maybe two people and even then i often go days or weeks without saying anything before talking daily for a while. 

the point is if we dont talk that doesnt mean i dont like u and think about u a lot im just terrible at maintaining close relationships

Woah h oho so here’s another update since I am still not quite back on my normal schedule:

The apartment is still covered in boxes, BUT we got a laundry key today – finally – which means I can actually wash my good clothes instead of digging through the bags of clothes that are probably all going to end up being donated. Yes good.

Wednesday was interesting. Part of it involved my mom swooping in to take me to Urgent Care because (and this is TMI, I’m so sorry) my leg was leaking fluid. The doctor actually listened to me and did the tests unlike every other doctor that I’d asked in the past few years, and yes, I have been officially diagnosed with lymphedema. Which sucks, because there’s no cure. But he prescribed me a super strong diuretic and ordered me to eat a banana a day and to go see a primary care doctor ASAP. This means I’m finally going to be able to get help instead of a lecture about how I’m fat. 😛 At least, that’s the hope.

I’ve already lost 6lbs… in like 1 day. WOO. And also gross. 

The same visit came with an xray for my wrist, which is not broken but badly sprained, AND a lot of blood work, which thankfully ruled out other health problems (kidney, liver) that I was worried about… well, except for thyroid. Normal TSH levels are 0-4, with 5 being considered “high.” Mine was 25. Oops. So I’m severely hypo again, which probably explains why I have been so exceptionally exhausted lately. 

This all boils down to me needing to, like, sleep more, up my medications, and spend less time at my computer desk… so it’s a good thing I’m not taking on new commissions. 

But hey, my novel is up to 63,000 words now. That’s exciting. And I still love my job. Still broke, but not homeless, ad not quite starving yet, either! I need to mail everyone their stuff (soon) and get the apartment put together. All good things. 

For now, though… it’s only 10:30 on a friday night and I already want to crawl into bed. So I may do that.

Would You Rather

Pierce your nose or your tongue?  Nose, though I don’t want any piercings at all.
Drink whole or skimmed milk? Whole. It has a lower GI.
Die in a fire or drowning? Uhh… fire, I guess. Both sound p awful.
Spend time with your parents or enemies? Parents. I love my parents. Enemies are people that I never want to interact with ever again.

Are You?

Single or in a relationship? Married.
Straight, gay, bisexual, other? Demi. 
Tall or short? COMPLETELY AVERAGE 5′6″
Right handed or left handed? Right
A lover of music or a lover of books? Lol both???

Do You Prefer

Flowers or sweets? Uhhhmm… if those sweets happen to be pocky, I guess.
Grey or black? GREY! Even though I wear a lot of black.
Color photos or black-and-white photos? Depends entirely on subject matter.
Sunrise or sunset? Sunset… though sunrise is nice, too…
M&Ms or Skittles? Peanut butter M&Ms!
Staying up late or waking up early? Up late. I am a night owl.
Sun or moon? MOON. I HATE THE SUN.
Winter or Autumn? Autumn, definitely. Not too cold yet, gloomy weather. It’s beautufiul.
10 acquaintances or 2 best friends? …both. I like having a small handful of REALLY close friends, and then lots and lots of other friends. 
Rainy or sunny? RAINY!!! 
Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? Vanilla. I am allergic to chocolate and vanilla is the finest of the flavors~
Vodka or Jack? Psh gimme cider. Or rum.

About You

What time is it? 4pm mountain
Name? Melissa
Nicknames? Gab
When is your birthday? August 28th
What do you want? Money enough to be able to pay the bills every month and go to the doctor when I need to.
How many kids do you want? 2
What would you name a girl? Amy
What would you name a boy? Milo
You want to get married? Already done!
What kind of music do you like? Alternative, I guess? And classical orchestra mixed with ROCK and DUBSTEP and ELECTRONICAAAAA 


Are you double-jointed? Nope.
Can you roll your tongue? Yeah.
Can you raise one eyebrow? Always.
Can you cross your eyes? Yes.


Which shoe goes on first? Right.
Ever thrown something at someone? I threw an ace bandage at Tango yesterday.
On average, how much money do you carry with you? My bank account is always empty so I guess my debit card is worthless.
What jewelry do you wear? Wedding/engagement ring, sometimes a necklace.
Do you twirl or cut spaghetti? Twirl and then cut and then twirl the smaller pieces.
Have you ever eaten Spam? Yeah… a friend of mine growing up used to grate spam into a bowl with miracle whip and shredded cheese and mix it up and put it on bread and that’s what their family would eat… Uhhh… so I tried it once. It wasn’t bad but I have not eaten it since.
Favorite ice cream? Sweet cream with brownies, yellow sponge cake, and caramel.
How many kinds of cereal are in your cupboard? Three, I think?


Car ride? Aaron and I picked my brother up from the train station on Friday night and we stopped by the grocery store on the way home. I bought a diet iced tea and it was delicious.
Song played? THIS
Person you saw? I just tried to wake askchangeling up but he is too tired.
Time you cried? …last night.

Incidentally, yes, we have a Sonic RP. It is this, in a nutshell: 

this is my official reminder to:

  1. bring donatello home from work
  2. clean up the craft room so I can do a photoshoot

ahh they’re all so cute! My cell phone’s camera lens is all scratched up on one side, though… ughh 



gabapplewrites (is that the one you use now I get confused man) 

Yes and no! gabapple is where I post all of the art and I still use it, but I follow way too many people to keep up with…  gabapplewrites is more for non-art updates and reblogs of writing stuff, with a much much smaller follow list… 


5 facts about me:

  1. I’m allergic to cucumbers. A lot. Even the scent makes my skin itch. Can’t touch it without it feeling like a burn. No shampoos or lotions or anything with cucumber in it allowed! Pickles, on the other hand… No problem whatsoever. Vinegar wins again!
  2. It is really hard for me to pick a ‘favorite’ of anything because I like too many things and context changes everything. Which is really annoying. 
  3. I love singing, and I’ve been in lots of choirs and vocal groups, but still have trouble reading sheet music. Probably doesn’t help that I can’t play an instrument to save my life. It just all turns into math and then I get so confused. 
  4. Disneyland is my #1 most favorite place in the world… and I haven’t been in 7 years. Sob. (first world problems, I know)
  5. I’ve only ever kissed one person… and that would be my husband, whom I met online in 1999 on a pokemon roleplaying group, and married in 2006. No regrets. 

ham is cooking in the crock pot idk what I’m even doing

printed 3 different recipes that are in direct conflict with each other over how funeral potatoes should be prepared, going to combine and cross fingers

transferring saint young men and all of free! to a flash drive for watchings

going to cut holes in this giant office chair box for the kitties

aaron rocking out on electric guitar behind me

merry christmas some more <33333 

shoveled show for an hour tonight just so we could get the car into the garage. I only slipped and fell three times! holy crap I am so sore… ohhhgooshhh