CONAN SUNDAY UPDATE #2 (of three).

Remember how I was talking about Conan dying his hair, getting a haircut, tattoo, etc and changing his name to go under cover while under cover? Here are the drawings from that thought experiment. He goes by the name of ‘Koji’, which has no relation to anything else. 

The full story- 

A few weeks back, CloverKite and I found some awesome Korean (I think) fanart of Conan having been captured by some mysterious figures and being held under observation behind glass… It was a series of images. Kaitou KID watched from the roof or vents or something. I’ll have to find it and link it… I think it was on pixiv.

Anyway, being us, we made up a story to go along with it, and started writing even though we should have been working on EPIC CONAN FANFIC of DOOM. Conan disappears on the way home from school one day, captured by the  Black Organization who’s figured out who he is etc. etc. etc torture maim and so on. Kaitou finds out where he is and saves him.

Since Shinichi’s been found out, though, he can’t go back to who he was. He can’t go back to any of his former life or he worries that everyone will be in danger. So Ran, Heiji, Agasa, and so on all believe that Conan’s dead.

Kaito takes him in as his adopted foster brother, going by the name of Koji Watanabe, or now, Koji Kuroba. 

And stuff goes relatively well for a while once ‘Koji’ gradually recovers from the trauma… until he runs into Heiji on the street, who immediately recognizes him. Oops.

Shinichi’s parents get involved. Drama ensues. But hey, Kaito gets him a puppy, which he names Gomera. 8)

…and thus ends another episode of Gabapple and Cloverkite need to stop.

ps. Chianti is the one who gave him the tattoo, as a form of torture. I don’t think they expected him to live much longer.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Co-Creator Says Michael Bay Film Will Be “Fantastic” | NBC4 Washington

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Co-Creator Says Michael Bay Film Will Be “Fantastic” | NBC4 Washington

Let me tell you the story of Anthony the Hoothoot. Once upon a time, Fault (aka Aaron, that guy I’m married to) wanted to run a tabletop roleplaying campaign in which Pokemorphs (ala pokemorph mush) were transported from the island into a fantasy setting to go on an EPIC QUEST. Anthony was my character for the journey.

He lived a life of misery being small, shrimpy, and quite nerdly, bullied by his schoolmates. The only solace he had was running a weekly D&D campaign with some other nerds until he found himself in a magical world where he was the most prepared and capable member of his party! Never before had his monster manual or his studying of ancient languages been so useful! But would it be enough for them to make it through and achieve the test the king set before them?!

…No one knows because we never finished the campaign. 😐 But man it was fun. I like to think that they succeeded and that Anthony eventually became a badass Noctowl wizard mercenary or something.