

Ready to get your copy of the all-digital charity zine dedicated to our hopes, theories, and dreams for ICE ADOLESCENCE? Once we open our store, you can buy your zine for $15 USD (or pay-what-you-want for those who need it, starting at $5).

Want to step it up and make an extra contribution to our chosen causes? And get a special bonus extra jam-packed with more art and more fics?

? If you contribute an extra $5+ and purchase your zine for $20 or more, you’ll get our special extra: the DOODLE ZINE!

In honor of our charitable work, this zine extra is packed with 25+ artworks from many of our contributors in a sketch style featuring our Yuri on Ice cast with ANIMALS! ??

BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE: you’ll also get bonus short fics and early movie fan art! ??

You can purchase the DOODLE package with a
contribution of $20 or more through our store, and you’ll get ICE SPECULATION with nearly 70 new art works and fics PLUS your bonus doodle extra! The DOODLE Zine will not be sold
separately, and is a gift to supporters who can give a little extra to
our causes.

? Direct contributions of $20+ to Harumi’s GoFundMe at any time since the fund was launched will also count as a ICE SPECULATION + DOODLE ZINE purchase – through Dec. 16. We’ll provide info on how to redeem!

The DOODLE zine features the adorable art of our cover artist @gabapple​!

We are so grateful for Gabapple’s amazing contributions which include a co-written fic with her co-author @mamodewberry​ of YOI epic Never Look Away See the preview in the promo art above. We’ll unveil the full cover with our store launch later today.


Y’know how I like to draw animals and yuri on ice? You can bet on me having a bunch of things going in that doodle zine, too! <3 



❄️Gabapple ~ @gabapple | Twitter | AO3
❄️Mamodewberry ~ @mamodewberry | Twitter | AO3

We’re delighted that Gabapple and Mamodewberry have penned a co-written piece for our zine that will feature Gabapple’s illustrations! They’re the amazing co-writers of Never Look Away. At close to 350k words and 27 chapters, it’s a true epic, bringing 100% more Viktor POV to the Yuri on Ice story.

Read their new tale capturing their dreams and theories for ICE ADOLESCENCE in a zine packed with 19 new stories and over 50 new works of art… all in ICE SPECULATION, the Yuri on Ice Movie charity zine! ?

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Awwww it’s vectors by Erin Feldman ? Website | Facebook | Insta


also: YES, dear readers. The story we wrote for this zine is part of the NLA timeline/canon and super super cute!!! ?