Can haz lunch room table?


(Well and I need to scan stuff if I’m going to include it in my portfolio).

THE LYNDOCH LUNCH TABLE, featuring characters by Cori, me, and Maren! 

Ben, Lydia, Salmon, Theo, Munroe, Alexis, Jenny, and Paige. 

Theo and Munroe are thinking about their hero, Gary. 

My nano is about two lower/middle class kids who get a scholarship to an elite summer camp and their ensuing romance.

Anthony (the owl) is from another book of mine- Saving Throw -in which he and his role-playing group are transported to the fantasy world of their campaign and he becomes a were-owl mage. He’s also the school’s mascot for the Lyndoch High Spellcasters for events… Which happens to be an owl.

Bunny is a rabbit because… Uhhh… Well, her real name is Monica, but her family started calling her bunny because she’s sporty and has a tendency to take off running if anything catches her interest.

Kismet, the MC or at least main male protagonist in a book I’ve been thinking about for the past handful of years. It’s part of the City of Lyndoch universe of stories and is simply called ‘Kismet’ … which is better than its old working title, ‘Turn of the Century.’ Can’t wait to write it. Maybe for NaNo this year?

…also, why can’t I add a ‘unicorn’ tag???

(and the background was taken from this old piece, which is appropriately enough ALSO of this character: )