I have made significant progress in my book (it’s 97k now, one gap filled, the other halfway done, two chapters left for the ending), so Aaron let me play with the ipad last night for 30 minutes. Of course I drew a lioness. 

It’s definitely going to take some getting used to… but it’s not so bad for having collectively one hour of experience drawing ON a screen, right? 😀

( I think I RPed this lioness once, many, many years ago… was her name Cwandoya? I can’t find any meaning behind the name, so I must be spelling it wrong. )

more Huckabee Lion. I should probably look at a real lion at some point to learn how they work before I get too settled on this character design… oops.

I feel that I should mention that I found a plush that looks like Huckabee at the Confuzzled dealer’s den and bought him right away. :3~ 

After Confuzzled, I’mma make a short, printed comic about these guys. No joke. It’ll be fantastic practice.