I’m so glad that you guys like Kismet! He’s amazing, I can’t wait to write the book he’s in. Here he is as a foal (fawn? Foawln? No idea). He was born to be a warrior!

Kismet, the MC or at least main male protagonist in a book I’ve been thinking about for the past handful of years. It’s part of the City of Lyndoch universe of stories and is simply called ‘Kismet’ … which is better than its old working title, ‘Turn of the Century.’ Can’t wait to write it. Maybe for NaNo this year?

…also, why can’t I add a ‘unicorn’ tag???

(and the background was taken from this old piece, which is appropriately enough ALSO of this character: http://gabapple.tumblr.com/post/10925176760/image-in-progress-drew-this-in-my-notebook-last )