Guyyss… Conan party is tomorrow! The curry is in the crock pot and smells so good. Be jealous. Be super jealous. I will try to remember to take photos of the Conan cookies.
Tag: Kaito
Conan Sunday! I have… a lot of Conan drawings coming up, so trying to clear out the old ones. My favorite is the one with Ran. I’d love to do a painting of them one day. <3
The Heiji and Conan one is from the fan fic, though. rofl. Poor Conan. His leg has been broken for several chapters now.
Conan and Kaito! I have a cold so you can deal with more Conan pictures. Doodled this today and slapped on some colors in photoshop or whatever. yaaayy ~ nyquil time
oh also, happy ¼/12 day. lol
Conan pictures, somewhat holiday related! These are really old.
Oh yeah. There’s Kaito and Hakuba, too.
Kaitou KID, Conan, and Rumba in a scene from ‘The Call of the Raven,’ a fanfic that CloverKite and I are writing. Rumba is an OC, obviously. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!
Conan, Shinichi, and Kaito! GASP.
It’s Friday. Have a little Shinichi and a little Kaito! Or is that Conan and little!Kaito? HMMMM. 🙂