



Remember in 1993 when Jurassic Park was like…the end all, be all of special effects?


not gonna lie that still looks intimately real

I’m still somewhat convinced that someone sold their soul to create the special effects in Jurassic Park because that shit is over 20 years old and it still really, really holds up, better than the stuff in a lot of current movies, even.

Fucking witchcraft, man. 

That shot there? That’s a full-scale animatronic T-Rex puppet built by Stan Motherfucking (no, really, what was his middle name) Winston. The same dude that did the puppet for the Alien queen (and other aliens) in Aliens, the costumer for Predator, for Terminator, for Pumpkinhead, the guy that built what still stands as one of the best damn effects houses in all of cinema. That Rex puppet weighted several tons and was the size of a mac truck. It was so detailed that it had things like a chest that expanded to show the Rex breathing, had dilating eyes, a tongue and jaw that could all be moved independently. It was a masterpiece of technical know how and artistry. A special effects Mona Lisa. This shot will still look good in 50 years, because nothing in this was invented or computed together. It’s real light on a real surface refracted by real rain.

And what’s sad is, the art that Stan helped refine to laser precision in life is now dying itself. Rick Baker, a guy who worked on effects of a similar caliber for American Werewolf in London, Men In Black, Star Wars, The Howling and more, that guy just retired, citing that his skills simply aren’t valued in cinema anymore. Movies go for CG more often than not, and when they do physical effects (puppetry, makeup, whatever) they’re going for the cheap, shitty options instead of paying masters like Stan’s successors or Rick Baker what they should be making to craft shit that will stand up 20 some odd years later.

Sorry, that was my soapbox for the day. Preaching to the choir, I know. TL:Dr, this shot is sexy as hell. I agree.

Also, “motherfucking” *may not have been Stan’s real middle name. Maybe.