How… what process do you go through for human drawings? I admit to drawing a humanoid maybe once or twice a year on average, but it’s like ??????? I know the key is to draw them more often, but how do you start out your drawings? Do you have any pointers that help you?


Tbh…I didn’t start getting better at people until I was in a position where I had to haha. Like. Basically when I started taking figuring drawing courses and was drawing them every single day. If it wasn’t during class, I had homework that involved figures of some kind. (Not to say, weLL OBVIOUSLY THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO GET BETTER. But that’s how it happened to me. I know plenty of people who just…get better by always drawing people and using good reference)

When my anime renaissance of sorts came along when I hit like..20?? That alone fueled me to get better because I wanted to indulge in fanart and stuff. So I guess one thing I would definitely suggest is finding something that will push you and inspire you to get better. My Hetalia phase got me started forever ago.

As for the process? It’s no different than the process for drawing something non-human. It’s just different anatomy you’re dealing with is all. I start off with a gesture of some kind and hop to it. Sometimes I’ll just wing it from the beginning, often time I’ll go through my heaping pile of references before I do any drawing to get some ideas if I don’t have any.

When I’m doing full body stuff this is how I usually start off before I go in for a clean up job.

Right now I’m kinda indulging in FMA at the moment, so I used good old Edward.

Hope that kinda…helps. At least a little.

Reblogging this here because I think this is very important. Having something to motivate you to get better is, I think, essential. Be that your own internal fire, wanting to get into college, wanting to draw fanart, whatever.

Just whatever it takes to get you to practice, and practice a lot. 

Also look at that full-figure sketch before going in for the details!  A++