stuff I need to keep telling myself



I have chosen a profession that demands most of my time

I wanna make cartoons for money and not do this remote cooking thing

This job isn’t a waste of time, even thought it’s not what I want to be doing right now

This job will help me make something really funny and cool

It will be worth it

It has to be worth it

You already know dis is my mantra too. If we repeat it enough times, we might start believing it!

Our well paying but draining jobs are a stepping stone across the river. Our dream jobs as cartoon making peoples is on the other side waiting for us! We just gotta get across this first! We must not lose sight of it. Even when it feels like we’re stuck! Just one foot in front of the other, no matter what.

We got this far, we can get through this! Hoooooyaaaaaah!

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 

THIS. It is truly a labor of love to work to support your art. And it is HARD. But worth it.



You may not be able to see your own beauty or love yourself but one day, someone will. You have only lived such a small part of yourself, you will never know what the future brings. So, keep going. Hold on. You are never alone. ♥

if you need someone to talk to, I’m here. Anon or not, and I don’t care if you follow me or not.