Browsing through this old art is really bittersweet. A lot has happened in the past several years and it shows. I used to fill a sketchbook a month, but as life got harder, the art lowed more and more and, in some cases, completely stopped for months. 

There’s also a lot of evidence in here of old friends that I’ve lost touch with and ex friends that still hurt to even think about. 

But there’s also a ton of ideas and a lot of life and momentum of improvement… so overall, it’s good. Painful and reassuring both.

Every time I finish a sketchbook, it ends up in a box in my closet, never to be seen again. I want to curb this, since they’re heavy and take up a LOT of room.

So the question is… Auction or patreon give away? Assuming that people would want full sketchbooks, anyway, though the one I auctioned off at Confuzzled did REALLY well…