I recently gained 8lbs and I wasn’t sure why… and then I lost 9lbs in a day without doing anything differently… verified on two different scales… what is going on??








Every artist who sees this post should do the following:

– Watch the video.

– Follow the instructions

– Reblog

I can’t stress you enough about how important these exercises are for your drawing hand. You don’t wanna get CTS of Tendonitis and similar stuff that will prevent you from making art or even hold  a pencil.

Okay, this guy is my HERO. I just did these exercises as I watched the video, and already my arms and hands feel better. I have a degenerative tendon disease that prevents my muscles, tendons and ligaments from retaining their elasticity, and so anything that maintains the health of my bendy parts is important.

I URGE YOU. Even if you don’t draw, do these several times a day. Even just sitting at a computer can do serious damage. My dad, who was a rugby player, a carpenter, and now a handyman, suffered from severe carpal tunnel syndrome, simply as a result of sitting at the computer at the end of the day to play a little solitaire. Don’t let it happen to you!

Wow, these are REALLY helpful. And yes, this is not just good but IMPORTANT for more than artists — if you type a lot, play a lot of video games, do anything that requires lots of repetitive movements of your hands, wrists, and arms (gardening, sewing, factory work), these can help. Even if you don’t yet get pain these are a great preventative measure, because the damage builds up over time. Youth is no protection.

And like he says, you should feel a stretch, but don’t push it too far!

Signal boosting.  Guys, I just did this and holy cow do I feel incredibly light and limber in my arms.  Again, even if you don’t have any sort of disease, do this as a preventative measure.


I have pretty f’d up tendinitis and this felt awesome.

Found this a while ago! Glad to see it on my feed.

I don’t wear a wrist brace anymore thanks to this video!

Reblogging this here on the main tumblr account because it’s really important. I have tendinitis in my drawing arm, and I have to be careful not to overdo it or the flareups prevent me from drawing for days/weeks/months. 

Once you have a flareup, all you can really do is REST. Better to strengthen the muscles/tendons and take care of your arm BEFORE THAT HAPPENS.

Healthy arms!!!! MORE ART!!! 

I am averaging 2.5 miles of walking a day… slowly gonna ramp that up toward 5…