






But you know a protest to this would be to just repeatedly clean the toilet. Just do it. Pretend you’re in a video game and grind toilet cleaning for points.

water and rewater and rewater the plants. Kill the plants. Drown the plants.

Expose the system. Exploit the system. 

Wash kitchen chairs??

or just do 5 loads of laundry.

Damn that’s a sweet deal! Seriously, when I got grounded (yeah yeah cue crotchety old lady voice) You were grounded for a given amount of time. PERIOD. extra chores happened every time you expressed boredom at being grounded. Also grounded ment no access to TV or (eventually when that became an option) computer. For me it frequently ment no access to books.

Your friend has a really nice mom.

I admit my first thought was ‘if I do lunch too can I have this over with in five days’? XD

I am going to do this to my children when I have them.

…but seriously, 100 points for laundry? JUST DO ALL THE LAUNDRY IN THE HOUSE AND YOU’RE DONE. EASY. O___O